When Nintendo released the first Wii console, people didn't pause before jumping to purchase one. Everyone from toddlers to octogenarians seemed to have one in their home. The commercials depicted large living rooms featuring vast amounts of open space in which multiple people could swing their arms frantically mimicking the avatars on their televisions.
It has been a few years since the release of the Wii, and now the question on my mind is, do you still enjoy it as much? The Wii controller system is what I would call a gimmick or a fad to entice people into thinking that the games (normally bland and generic) were actually more interesting than their concepts really were. A few close friends of mine have the console, and looking back there were many times we would all crowd around and swing the Wiimote. Now, it seems like the console has hit extinction. Its more likely that I would be using the Wii as a paper weight rather than a gaming system.
Sony has recently set a date of release for its motion control system as has Microsoft. So my big question would be, will these new interfaces be a gimmick? Will they change gaming entirely into a brand new exciting level of interactivity? Will they make millions of dollars shift into these companies pockets?
I think it's safe to say nobody really knows for sure, but when I hold a retro remote control, I remember when I was a little kid in my buddies basement playing mario on the NES. I think that is what gaming is, but what do I know?
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