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SolidAlexz Blog

clank last battle FINALLY beaten (again)

yeah,so i was looking for a walkthrough to beat the final boss battle. that was smart, but i invented my own way to do it. so what you want to do is you want to to use just cufflink bombs. just put the cufflink bombs in the inventory, just that, NO PDA! so you want to attack the kingpin with the cufflink bombs. dodge the flames , and make sure to move inside so you don't fall off thge top. next for the flying dude, you want to pick up ammo and lives, DON'T ATTACK HIM!!!! trust me. for the first attack, run around the border the the top. be sure to dodge the triangels. for the second attack, just jump over the bullets. and for roboratchet, just gain health and ammo plus just wait for klunk to switch suits . as for the bomb, just run in the opposite direction. plus dodge the the pools of acid in the first attack. as for klunk, you really need to get the stealth attacks or else you will die

dark void

dark void is a fun game, without the short campaign and weird controls and no on line, then this game is a blast. you don't want this game.


Though you some of you can't decide which side to be on, good or evil play good first then play again but be evil. Since a free real game, you can play as long as you want without finishing the game, when climbing, it is difficult because of every thing there is. Plus when enemies are shooting at you , it is difficult to climb. With the long story , plus the dead drops and the electrical shards, I'd say near 10 hours to finish the game. If you have a PS3,then you need to play this game

level 3

how do you get up a level? i mean i'm bran new to this so could someone please explain to me?