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360 back / GTA IV beat

Well I got a 360 back from Microsoft in a week's time, very surprised at how fast the entire process went. Anywhere online you hear it taking a very long time, and even the person on the phone said 2-3 weeks from when I send the box. Basically, I called for the box on April 29th, got the box and sent the 360 on May 1st, and got a 360 on May 9th.

Anywho, I've been playing it since I got the 360 back last Friday, and beat it last night, clocking in at around 26 hours or so.

GTA IV Freezing and RROD

So I purchased GTA IV at the midnight release, and was plagued with the freezing issues some people have been having. Hopefully people realize that the 360 is having the freezing issues as well, even though the PS3 freezing seems to get more of the coverage.

My situation however was quite strange, in that I never had a single problem with my 360 since I bought it in March '07, and had been playing other games perfectly fine the week before GTA IV. Yet that game comes along, I get freezing issues, and then my 360 gets the RROD. As a result I had to send my 360 away and hopefully will get it back sooner rather than later. Rockstar better get a patch out in the meantime to solve the freezing problems.

Now Playing

Burnout Paradise,
and Advance Wars Days of Ruin

...along with still having to beat The Darkness and Dead Rising (Both borrowed).


Since BioShock came out, I have purchased Eternal Sonata, Halo 3, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, The Orange Box and I have just traded in some games for Call of Duty 4.

Games I'm Interested In;

Assassin's Creed | Mass Effect

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings | DQM: Joker

Future Games:

Burnout Paradise | Dark Sector | Turok | Army of Two | GTA IV

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

Other games with any slight interest from me (+ No Set Release Dates)

Alan Wake / Borderlands / Dead Space / Too Human / Splinter Cell: Conviction / Saint's Row 2 / Saboteur / Banjo-Kazooie 3 / Fable 2 /
Fallout 3 / Lost Odyssey / The Last Remnant / LOST / Mercenaries 2 / Resident Evil 5 / Gears of War 2 / Halo Wars

Viva Pinata (DS) / FF Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates / Fire Emblem DS

If I had other systems...

Super Mario Galaxy / Super Smash Bros. Brawl / Mario Kart Wii

Uncharted / Ratchet and Clank / Haze / Metal Gear Solid 4

Beat: BioShock

BioShock is completed!

Fantastic game all around. Great voice acting and a great story with some interesting plot twists. I liked how much of the story, mainly backstory, is told through audio diaries. I can't possibly imagine how someone could go through the game not bothering to find or listen to them. The amazing atmosphere that reviews always mention is no joke. Everything in the game draws you in and works perfectly together.

I saved the little sisters, and it appears it's the right way to go for the first playthrough. One of my few complaints, which some reviews have mentioned, is the ending- the very end more precisely. The IGN review says it well: "We found the resolution to be somewhat abrupt for a game in which so many things are colliding and bubbling beneath the surface. Nevertheless, it's no reason to be dissuaded."

Well, it next looks like I'm going to harvest the little sisters while playing on hard mode to get the other ending.


On Tuesday the (rest of the) gaming world will finally get their hands on BioShock. I was not one of the lucky ones to have a nearby Toys R Us accidently release copies early.

BioShock has always been a game to look out for. Early trailers and video walkthroughs showed an incredibly unique game, set in the city of Rapture. Rapture is not your usual setting for any type of game, as it just so happens to be underwater. The father of Rapture, Andrew Ryan set out to make the perfect utopia. This, like any good story, failed, due to a civil war erupting and then later a total downfall beginning on New Years, 1959.

The game begins sometime in 1960, with a Lost-esque airplane crash in the ocean. The crash occurs just outside a forboding lighthouse, which the player finds a device to take him underneath the sea and into the city. The demo, avaliable on Xbox Live and soon for PC, is the beginning of the game, which shows off its incredible graphics and sets the tone for the game's intense, and creepy, atmosphere.

The gameplay from the demo shows off plasmids, which are biological enchancements on the player himself, and some early weapons. The most notable gameplay device includes the "Big Daddy", a massively strong enemy that guards "Little Sisters". These Little Sisters traverse the city searching for ADAM in the bodies of dead splicers. Splicers, being, the civilians of Rapture who have been genetically modified to the extreme, and also act as your basic enemy. If provoked, the Big Daddy will attack the player and act as a roaming boss battle. The only way to power up your character is to go through a Big Daddy and either harvest (kill) or save the Little Sister it is guarding. This adds a moral choice to the player, which may affect the outcome of the game, and change the way you play due to how powerful you are.

The setting, story, atmosphere and gameplay all appear to be working perfectly in unison. Just from the demo you can tell that it is extremely polished, and every room has a nook or cranny for you to investigate. It's great to see a game like this get justified hype and critical acclaim, instead of becoming a cult hit that everybody mentions as revolutionary but nobody has played.

Currently, the game is set to be best reviewed game of all time!
...But, of course, there is only a handful of reviews thus far. Despite that, from my playing of the demo, the hype appears to be justified, and I eagerly await its release.

Near Future

Plenty of games are coming out for the rest of the year, and these are the games that I have much interest in, and therefore most likely to end up purchasing:

Blue Dragon
Eternal Sonata
Halo 3
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Assassin's Creed
Mass Effect
Too Human (Looks like 2008 though)

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings

( Yikes :shock: )

Got: Xbox 360

Yeah so I just bought Xbox 360 premium bundle w/ Call of Duty 3 (inside the box itself). I was surprised it actually came in a case, unlike previously for Ghost Recon (bundle) that came in one of those little paper sheets for the disc. However, the case was all cracked and it can't close, but the disc seems perfectly ok.

Futureshop also gave NHL 2k7 for free, and I bought Gears of War.

I shall be playing those, but I don't have Xbox Live gold yet.
EDIT: Yeah... so I decided to look on the box itself and noticed it said one month free on the side, so I made a gamertag straight from the system itself and recieved one month free, so new gamertag folks.
Gamertag: Solidus Hawk

Just Beat FF12

Yeah, took me long enough.
I enjoyed it, especially the gameplay, but was rather disappointed with the story and I never had a connection with the characters as in past FF games.
Oh well, fantastic RPG nonetheless.

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