BioShock is completed!
Fantastic game all around. Great voice acting and a great story with some interesting plot twists. I liked how much of the story, mainly backstory, is told through audio diaries. I can't possibly imagine how someone could go through the game not bothering to find or listen to them. The amazing atmosphere that reviews always mention is no joke. Everything in the game draws you in and works perfectly together.
I saved the little sisters, and it appears it's the right way to go for the first playthrough. One of my few complaints, which some reviews have mentioned, is the ending- the very end more precisely. The IGN review says it well: "We found the resolution to be somewhat abrupt for a game in which so many things are colliding and bubbling beneath the surface. Nevertheless, it's no reason to be dissuaded."
Well, it next looks like I'm going to harvest the little sisters while playing on hard mode to get the other ending.