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Hey guys, this is my first "official blog post" so I hope it satisfies.

I recently started downloading Gamespots official podcast called "Hotspot", I've been downloading it for 3 weeks now and i just thought I would let all my friends know, that if you have Itunes DOWNLOAD IT NOW! its great, its average running time is about an hour ten minutes and it really is just awesome. It truly is hilarious and lets you in on all the new info in the gaming industry and companies. Plus towards the end they answer user E-Mails and Messages asking questions pertaining to games, I am a few minutes away from calling in so listen for me.

But yea im planning on posting a blog adding my input to the topics discussed each week, starting "officially" next week, there are just a few issues that I would like to touch upon.

The Manhunt 2 issue that it was purpously put content into the game to make sure it got the A.O. rating, so that it got huge amounts of publicity and attention, also setting up its Halloween release date, I agree with one of the speakers that this was all a publicity stunt, but not necessarily a bad move on their part, I think the Halloween release date was a great move on their part, I preordered the game and just cant wait untill Haloween night untill I come home from my friends house take a shower (gotta get all of the shaving cream and eggs out) and sitting down with the light off and a nice cold coke and brutally murdering some mad scientists :D:P:D

Also I think i should touch upon the pushed back date of Super Smash Brothers:Brawl untill 2008, this really really made me mad:evil::evil: i mean come on weve been waiting for this game so long, pleasee just give us it.

Well thats all I have time for right now guys, talk to you later.