A little unexpected...
by SolidSnake35 on Comments
I never really planned on doing this, but the other day I bought a Nintendo Wii. I guess the reason why, was because I had one almost thrust in my face. Well, not really, but my manager at work, who knows of my love of gaming, had somehow managed to save a Wii for me that had been sent to our store by mistake. The delivery of three Wiis was intended for our large store, but somehow they ended up in our warehouse. Two of them were sold within minutes, leaving a crowd of disappointed people. So far, I've only played Wii Sports, which seems pretty fun. I've ordered some kind of cable which will allow the console to display a 480p picture rather than 480i, along with Zelda. They won't be delivered until late next week, though that's probably a good thing since I have an abundance of coursework to complete at this very moment.