My A Level Results
by SolidSnake35 on Comments
Today I went back to school to pick up my results for my AS exams. I'm not sure whether I'm happy or annoyed... probably both. I'll list the grades... History: Unit 1- D, Unit 2- B, Unit 3- A Overall- B English Language: Unit 1- A, Unit 2- B, Unit 3- A Overall- A ICT: Unit 1- E, Unit 2- B, Unit 3- A Overall- C Maths: Unit 1 (C1)- D, Unit 2 (C2)- Unclassified, Unit 3 (Stats)- Unclassified Overall- Unclassified General Studies: Unit 1- B, Unit 2- A, Unit 3- C Overall- B As you can see, I failed maths completely and won't even be getting a qualification for it. I'm not surprised as I'm not continuing it next year, and I kind of gave up towards the end of this year to focus on my other subjects. Getting an A in English was a bit of surprise, and I expected a B in History. However, it seems that on one paper I did terrible, getting a D... so I plan to re-sit that paper next January. Once again, my ICT was not what I expected. As with my GSCE's I was told that I'd be getting an A, but it appears as though my teacher had no clue as to how to mark my work, as the examiner has given me an E for one section. I got an A and B in the other two units, so I have no idea what when wrong in Unit 1. Overall, it's not too bad... ABC (not counting General Studies), but I need at least ABB to get into the university I want. Hopefully retaking a History and ICT unit will bump up those grades... or I'll just have to do extremely well in my A2s next year to make up the extra marks.