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Preparing for Bioshock... and stuff...

I ordered it off Amazon a few days ago, knowing that my 360 was on its way back to me having been out of commission for quite a while. Well, when I say my 360, that's not quite true. Microsoft decided to send me a brand new one, which I thought was quite nice of them. It's just as noisy but at least it works. They also gave me a months free subscription to Xbox Live to compensate for the month I just paid for whilst being 360-less. Now that I have it back, I plan on finishing Oblivion and Bioshock (when I get it). Other than that, however, my interest is actually leaning more towards the PS3. There are at least five games coming out soon that I'd quite like... Lair, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk, Haze and Folklore. I know Lair is supposedly awful, but it looks cool and the controls can't be that bad. I was impressed by the Heavenly Sword demo; impressed enough to buy it anyway. I could actually buy warhawk now, but I'd rather not pay £20 for a file. I want something to own. At least the higher price of the Bluray version is justified by the inclusion of a headset... and a manual. That'll make for some nice bedtime reading, I'm sure. I'm actually reading something rather good at the moment though. (Notice how I linked those paragraphs so seamlessly... That's talent for you.) Erm, yeah... I'm reading Harry Potter again... the whole series. I just started the fourth one today. I'm not sure why, but the last book had some kind of an effect on me. I even watched all the movies, and, to be honest, I always thought of them of disappointing. Speaking of movies, my Bluray collection has recently grown larger than my DVD collection. That might sound like a lot, but I only have around 14 DVDs, so it's not all that impressive. The last one I bough was Reign Over Me. (I only bought it because it had Adam Sandler in it). Nevertheless, it was a decent movie, despite the fact that he played a serious role for once which might put people off. Oh, and there's an extended version of Alexander out now, but only on DVD. I had to restrain myself from buying it, just so could enjoy it more in HD... but now I have to wait. There's a release date for those of you in the US, but, and not surprisingly, there isn't one for the UK. Perhaps I'll be able to import it. But then again, would I want to. It took weeks for me to recieve my copy of 300, so it seems as though the US doesn't like sharing its wealth of Bluray titles. Not to complain too much, but the box was weird too. It was really skinny and the front cover had nothing on it but an image. There wasn't any mention of anything; not the film studio, the actors, nor the rating- not even a recommendation to big itself up- and it left the cover looking empty. Maybe that's how you like your films over there, I don't know. I'm going to stop writing now, because I'm almost certain that I'm boring you to death discussing the box art of 300.