@pcgamingowns I agree. But when the console exclusives come out (and i mean real console exclusive not like Titanfall exclusive to Xbox One but on PC), it will be your loss of awesome fun coz i'll be rocking my console and my PC.
@sgs1 Yes but what matters is software and how well the edge is capitalized on. PS3 was superior to Xbox360 on paper but that wasn't the case when it came to multiplatform games due to technical speciliazation of proprietary architecture (uncharted is undoubtedly one of the best looking game on any console exclusive to the PS3). The chances of that happening this time should be remote as both consoles may have virtually similar architecture aside the slight edge afforded the PS4 technically.
@Kakashi_101 @sgs1 we know what he was referring to as did you. And while GDDR3 may have slight advantage in multitasking, it is generally inferior to GDDR5 in almost every way real or unreal. I know coz I researched it. Did u?
Who's to know if they would turn around again an implement some of these policies.I recommend reading the fine print of your User Agreement should you decide that insight about true nature of Microsoft has not yet opened your eyes to extent of their greed and control. Congratulations gamers, You spoke and you spoke out well!
The only reason I'm not getting the Xbox One is simply to boycott support for Mega Corporations that prioritize shareholders' interest surpluses at the expense of its consumer needs. It is shamefully arrogant and what's more disappointing is that it is fed by either the actions of the many ignorant or the many who don't care about the implications. I am a shareholder and a consumer. I see both perspectives.
@rkzhao In order words you are undermining the purpose of a score system. While I believe that score does not paint an in depth picture of the reviewers opinion, its relevance is fundamental to the summary of that opinion and should reflect as such.
@lemoinedoubli @Solid_Azeus Sometimes. The point is that if, 95% of people out of a reasonable sample pool say that "chocolate is black", how do you regard the 5% that say "chocolate is not black". Consider that although the 5% create enough points to not be considered an outflier, they offer a perspective of consideration for the subject regardless of the fact that "their" consensus is ultimately designated as a statistical negligibility.
Solid_Azeus' comments