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Long Update

It's been awhile since I've put up a blog post, so I figured I'd do an update with my gaming:

Lately I've been buying a whole bunch of crap that I don't need, but I've been having fun with it!

I bought myself a HRAP VX-SA Arcade Stick

Seimitsu LS-56-01 Stick that I'm going to put into it with the Seimitsu MS mounting plate

I bought a Sega Saturn with a Action Replay 4M Auto Plus so that I can play this game that I bought

I've play a bit of it on MAME, but I want to play a legitimate version. It's said to be the best shmup of all time, programmed by Yagawa formerly of 8ing/raizing and now Cave Co., Ltd, and one of the first bullet hell shmups released on consoles.

I bought Tetris: The Grand Master Ace for 360 as I've been looking to try out the TGM series, even though this title (the only console installment) removes a lot of what makes the TGM series so awesome.


I took a month or two break away from gaming, and now I've come back just as strong.
I've been sinking a lot of time into Akai Katana Shin, Quake Live, and TFC again.

I beat Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (as part of the MGS Collection) and I was surprised as how much I liked this game. It was much easier than previous installments and it was my first PSP title that I've played, but the story was surprisingly good.

I beat Catherine (PS3) and found this much more enjoyable than the demo. The social scenes I found kind of *meh*-worthy, but the puzzle aspect racked my brain and was a lot of fun.

I beat Ikenie No Yoru (Night of the Sacrifice) and this was another game that surprised the hell out of me. I would personally throw it in my top 3 survival horror games this generation (along with amnesia: the dark descent and condemned: criminal origins). It scared the **** out of me! The only downside is that I can't read japanese so I had to look up online what the jist of the story was.

I am now playing Xenoblade Chronicles and I'm having a blast with that as well. It's been quite a bit since I've played any RPGs, but this was a good title to pickup. It's somewhat easy for an RPG, but there are also parts that are somewhat difficult. I'm still very early into the game, but so far it's been promising.

There's quite a few upcoming games that I'm extremely excited about. Below you'll find the ones that interest me the most:

Binary Domain
Dragon's Crown
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Lollipop Chainsaw
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Aliens: Colonial Marines
The Last Story
Rhythm Heaven Fever
The Last Guardian
Mass Effect 3
Alan Wake: American Nightmare


Probably will be another couple months before my next update, but if you read any of this.. Thanks!
