Shadows of the Damned was incredible fun. I should just leave it at that but I have quite a bit to say about the game. It plays like resident evil 4, which similar sanity mechanics that are used in eternal darkness/amnesia. The humor is reminiscent of Goichi Suda's No More Heroes games. SotD is corny, yet it knows it's corny and it prresents itself with a serious spin. Characters such as Garcia and Johnson have the most outrageous comments but say it in such a serious tone that you can't help but laugh.
some examples of the humor used:
the three difficulty levels are labeled
legion hunter
demon hunter
lemon hunter
there's a creature which is basically an eye with wings that flies into the air and takes a dump to mark your progress
it's called a "one eyed william".
garcia: how did you know you have to shoot a goat to illuminate the area?
johnson: how did you not know? some demon hunter you are...
garcia: well, just let me know if I have to f*** a horse to open a door
when I shed some light on a new area we saw zombies eating other zombies, johnson says: themselves, it's whats for dinner
the game isn't scary perse, but you shouldn't expect it to be. On the other hand, it is consistently intense/suspenseful. Theres a variety of enemies throughout the game, but typically after a new mob is introduced, you will see it among the other ones through out the rest of the game.
Now there are some issues I've had with the game as well. Some audio issues such as in chapter 4's big boner act. In the third phase, very loud static began and last for the remainder of that specific phase.
some times the ammunition would bug and be unable to pick up even though my weapon capacity wasn't anywhere near full.
in act 4-5 I was floating above the gorge near the intro. I wanted to see how far I could go, but I fell off the map indefinitely:
when I was playing through this portion (the ammo bug occured) and no enemies spawned. after I quit the game and reloaded it (after falling off the map) a whole bunch of enemies spawned that weren't present during my bugged session and now I could pickup the ammo.
regardless of those very minor issues, the game was incredible and is definitely among my top 3 of this year.
time to finally beat killer 7 (I'm on disc 2 on target 5) and then I will either beat legend of zelda twilight princess, or start project number 03 (p.n. 03).
back log is still huge, with many games waiting to be played - eternal darkness: sanity's requiem, viewtiful joe, jade empire, metal gear solid: twin snakes, legend of zelda collectors edition (for majoras mask and ocarina of time), and so on.