I reached level 4 today. That means I only have 2 more levels before I can create my own Union! :D
Sonic1991 Blog
Plans for New Union
by Sonic1991 on Comments
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Sonic's Story Complete
by Sonic1991 on Comments
Yesterday evening, just before I went to bed, I beat Dr. Robotnik on Sonic's story. Now I only have 5 characters left to work through. I think I'm going to save Amy Rose for last, because she's pretty annoying. I've got a lot of work left to do, but I feel like I've made major progress on the game since I got it a little over a week ago. I'm playing as Knuckles now.
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Tomorrow
by Sonic1991 on Comments
It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to beat Dr. Robotnik tonight. I think I'll try for a while tomorrow. I just felt like I would rather be on GameSpot then playing it for the time being. It's not that I don't like the game. I just can't play it for hours on end like some people can.
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Egg Viper
by Sonic1991 on Comments
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Almost There
by Sonic1991 on Comments
Yesterday, I got up to Final Egg in Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut. It's become obvious that there isn't much more left to do. I love how the game keeps the player going with all of the drama in it. I think that I'll write a review on GameFAQs once I get through the game.
Yesterday, I also discovered the Game Gear mini-games. Although the Game Gear Sonic games lack in the graphics and sound departments, they're still great games.
I think I'm turning into a compulsive Sonic fan!
by Sonic1991 on Comments
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Halfway There
by Sonic1991 on Comments
This morning, I finally reached more than 50% on both Sonic and Tails in Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut. The game seems to be getting more and more dramatic as I get farther. This is what I like to see in video games; however, so I love this game. I only wish that they had more action when Amy Rose gets kidnapped by Dr. Robotnik's robot. So far, I think that this is the third best game that I've ever played!
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