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Level 4

I reached level 4 today. That means I only have 2 more levels before I can create my own Union! :D

Plans for New Union

I plan on starting a Union as soon as I hit level 6. It's going to be the Nintendo and Sega Union. It's main goal will be to unite gamers that enjoy playing Nintendo, Sega, or both. If you're like me, you want to see the times when Nintendo and Sega fought for 1st place back again. I consider that time a golden era in gaming. That's why I feel that this Union will be a great idea. It will get together the gamers that like these two companies. I can't wait to get to level 6!

Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Sonic's Story Complete

Yesterday evening, just before I went to bed, I beat Dr. Robotnik on Sonic's story. Now I only have 5 characters left to work through. I think I'm going to save Amy Rose for last, because she's pretty annoying. I've got a lot of work left to do, but I feel like I've made major progress on the game since I got it a little over a week ago. I'm playing as Knuckles now.

Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Tomorrow

It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to beat Dr. Robotnik tonight. I think I'll try for a while tomorrow. I just felt like I would rather be on GameSpot then playing it for the time being. It's not that I don't like the game. I just can't play it for hours on end like some people can.

Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Egg Viper

FINALLY! I've made it to the Egg Viper on Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut! Although this means that I've reach the end of Sonic's story, I still have 5 more characters to go before I can battle Chaos in Station Square. I've heard that the ending is really cool! I'm planning on beating Eggman tonight.

Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Almost There

Yesterday, I got up to Final Egg in Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut. It's become obvious that there isn't much more left to do. I love how the game keeps the player going with all of the drama in it. I think that I'll write a review on GameFAQs once I get through the game.

Yesterday, I also discovered the Game Gear mini-games. Although the Game Gear Sonic games lack in the graphics and sound departments, they're still great games.

I think I'm turning into a compulsive Sonic fan!

Today, I've decided that I'm going to save up the money to buy all of Sega's systems on EBay. I really want to get all of them so that I can play all of the Sonic games. Playing a port of any game doesn't feel the same when it's not on the system that the game was meant to be on. It'll take me a couple of weeks to save up for a Genesis, but I really want to start getting some more systems. If I get one, it will be the first non-Nintendo system that I get.

Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut - Halfway There

This morning, I finally reached more than 50% on both Sonic and Tails in Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut. The game seems to be getting more and more dramatic as I get farther. This is what I like to see in video games; however, so I love this game. I only wish that they had more action when Amy Rose gets kidnapped by Dr. Robotnik's robot. So far, I think that this is the third best game that I've ever played!