Nuff said.
SonicNinja976 Blog
Nifty Things In Sonic Unleashed
by SonicNinja976 on Comments
Me and DizzyDennis (CutBackDropTurn) came up with this video showing most of the hidden easter eggs found in the underrated game Sonic Unleashed for the PS3/XBOX360. Enjoy!
Video Link:
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Top 11 best Sonic games
by SonicNinja976 on Comments
What is my personal top eleven best sonic games of all time? Find out now!
I really hope you enjoy this video because I spent alot of time making it. Since Sonic Unleashed and Sonic and the Black Knight are on there way, I figured I'd make this video to by the time.
I'm hyped again! (Sonic Unleashed)
by SonicNinja976 on Comments
After seeing the leaked Sonic Unleashed video, I tried my best not to give in to the hype. I finally gave in after what SEGA showed at E3. I have a pretty good feeling about Sonic Unleashed (and Sonic and the Black Knight). I even think the werehog gameplay looked awesome. Sure I was hyped about Sonic 06 in the past, but at the same time I didn't know why I was hyped. I guess it was the graphics. Who knows? (who cares?)
Anyways, I can't wait to finally play these two games, because I have a good feeling that there gonna be great. I don't care if people what people say anymore. All they do is complain whenever a new Sonic game is announced, whether its about the voice acting, them saying the sonic is not about speed, or if they think SEGA / Sonic Team is ripping off Twilight Princess. As for me, I'm playing all the Sonic games on the Genesis (Mega-Drive) to keep myself occupied until the games are released.
Also, I have some great new videos on mt youtube channel. If you like them, please subscribe, because I'm barely on GS.
Here's the link:
Gotta juice!
I just got a Wii!
by SonicNinja976 on Comments
I told my friends on Youtube about this. So I figured, why not let my friends on Gamespot know as well?
The reason why I got a Wii is because I got bored of my PS3. I had to choose between the 360 or Wii. I think the Wii was a better choice then 360 because its cheaper, and plus the virtual console.
Leave me your friend codes if you want!
See ya!
I'm Now Entering SEGA World! #5
by SonicNinja976 on Comments
Wow! Eversince the new year started, I have bought alot of SEGA games. This will be the last post on "SEGA World" for a while. I'll buy more SEGA games sometime in the summer.
Jewel Master - SEGA Genesis
Fatal Fury 2 - SEGA Genesis
Eternal Champions - SEGA Genesis
Cyborg Justice - SEGA Genesis
Alien Storm - SEGA Genesis
Bubble Bobble - SEGA Saturn
Cyber Speedway - SEGA Saturn
Darius Gaiden - SEGA Saturn
Dark Legend - SEGA Saturn
SEGA Rally Championship - SEGA Saturn
See ya in the summer!
I'm Now Entering SEGA World! #4
by SonicNinja976 on Comments
Alright. I bought a crap load of SEGA (mostly Genesis) games.
Last Battle - SEGA Genesis
Conra: Hard Corps - SEGA Genesis
Kid Chameleon - SEGA Genesis
Die Hard Arcade - SEGA Saturn
Bio-hazard Battle - SEGA Genesis
Decap Attack - SEGA Genesis
Earthworm Jim 2 - SEGA Genesis
Ecco the Dolphin - SEGA Genesis
Ecco: The Tides of Time - SEGA Genesis
Final Zone - SEGA Genesis
Gaiares - SEGA Genesis
Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar - SEGA Genesis
Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage - SEGA Genesis
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck - SEGA Genesis
Soul Calibur - SEGA Dreamcast
Also, I did a video review on Last Battle on the Genesis.
I'm Now Entering SEGA World! #3
by SonicNinja976 on Comments
I just got Bug,
and I got Galactic Attack.
I also did a video review on Galactic Attack on my new video game review series "SEGA World".
One more thing, I would to thank everybody that has given me suggestions for my SEGA collection. There will be more reviews in the future, so stay tuned.
Gotta Juice!
TMNT Stop-Motion is out!
by SonicNinja976 on Comments
My new video "TMNT Stop-Motion" is finally out, and its on my Youtube Channel. Check it out! Also, please check out my other videos I have on there. Please leave a comment if you can. Enjoy!
Here's the link to my Youtube channel:
Happy New Year!
by SonicNinja976 on Comments
Happy 2008! Here's my list of games of 2007 (* = traded in game) (** = Lost game)
1. Lost Planet - X Box 360
2. Sonic The Hedgehog - PS3
1. Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters - PSP
2. Crackdown - X Box 360
3. Sonic And The Secret Rings - Nintendo Wii
4. Virtua Fighter 5 - PS3
1. *Lumines Plus* - PS2
2. MotorStorm - PS3
3. Contra - NES
4. Forgotton Worlds - Sega Genesis
5. Castle Of Illusion - Sega Genesis
6. Castlevania - NES
7. Castlevania II: Simons Quest - NES
8. Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt - NES
9. Tetris - NES
10. Friday The 13th - NES
11. **Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde** - NES
12. Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES
13. Godzilla - NES
14. Toejam & Earl - Sega Genesis
15. E.T. - Atari 2600
16. Dig Dug - Atari 2600
17. Breakout - Atari 2600
18. Missile Command - Atari 2600
19. Steets Of Rage - Sega Genesis
20. **War Gods** - N64
21. Laserblast - Atari 2600
22. *TMNT* - PSP
23. *Armored Core 4* - PS3
24. Wii Play - Nintendo Wii
1. Twin Cobra - Sega Genesis
2. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - PS3
3. *Super Paper Mario* - Nintendo Wii
4. FEAR - PS3
1. *Samurai Showdown* - Sega Genesis
2. Streets Of Rage 2 - Sega Genesis
3. *Genesis 6-Pak* - Sega Genesis
4. Spider-Man - Atari 2600
1. Mega Man 2 - NES
2. Rad Racer - NES
3. Asteroids - Atari 2600
4. Berzerk - 2600
5. Video Pinball - Atari 2600
6. Combat - Atari 2600
7. Defender - Atari 2600
8. Pac-Man - Atari 2600
9. Warlords - Atari 2600
10. Kaboom - Atari 2600
11. Crystal Castles - Atari 2600
12. Barnstorming - Atari 2600
13. Pitfall - Atari 2600
14. Pole Position - Atari 2600
15. River Raid - Atari 2600
16. Space Invaders - Atari 2600
17. Space Jockey - Arati 2600
18. Circus Atari - Atari 2600
19. Starmaster - Atari 2600
20. Yars' Revenge - Atari 2600
21. Tomb Raider: Anniversary - PS2
22. Ghostbusters - Sega Genesis
23. After Burner 2 - Sega Genesis
24. The Darkness - X Box 360
25. The Darkness - PS3
26. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas - PS3
1. Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins - PSP
2. Mega Man: Powered Up - PSP
3. Ninja Gaiden: Sigma - PS3
4. Mega Man X: Maverick Hunter - PSP
1. Madden 08 - X Box 360
2. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - Nintendo Wii
3. Guitar Hero 2 - X Box 360
4. Bioshock - X Box 360
5. Two Worlds - X Box 360
6. Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time - PS2
7. Panzer Dragoon - Sega Saturn
8. Virtua Fighter Kids - Sega Saturn
9. Revenge Of Shinobi - Sega Genesis
10. Super Hand-On - Sega Genesis
11. Metriod Prime 3: Corruption - Nintendo Wii
12. Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Sega Saturn
1. Lair - PS3
2. Warhawk - PS3
3. Resident Evil - Sega Saturn
4. Strider - Sega Genesis
5. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Sega Genesis
6. Comix Zone - Sega Genesis
7. Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition - Sega Saturn
8. Heavenly Sword - PS3
9. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - PS2
10. Jak II - PS2
11. Jak III - PS2
12. ESWAT: City Under Siege - Sega Genesis
13. Vectorman - Sega Genesis
14. Vectorman 2 - Sega Genesis
15. X-Men: Children of the Atom - Sega Saturn
16. Power Stone - Sega Dreamcast
17. I-Ninja - PS2
18. Halo 3 - X Box 360
19. Dirt - PS3
1. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - Nintndo DS
2. TimeSplitters 2 - PS2
3. Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow - PSP
4. Call Of Duty 3 - Xbox 360
5. The Orange Box - X Box 360
6. Ratchet & Cank Future: Tools Of Destruction - PS3
7. The Eye Of Judgement - PS3
8. Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock - PS3
9. Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock - X Box 360
1. Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - X Box 360
2. Stranglehold - PS3
3. Super Mario Galaxy - Nintendo Wii
4. Mass Effect - X Box 360
5. Assassin's Creed - PS3
6. Sonic Rivals 2 - PSP
7. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - PS3
1. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles - PSP
2. Jurrasic Park - NES
3. Kung-Fu - NES
4. Rock Band - X Box 360
5. Rock Band - PS3
6. Unreal Tournament 3 - PS3
7. The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II - X Box 360
8. The Orange Box - PS3
9. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - PS3
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