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SonicNinja976 Blog

I'm hyped again! (Sonic Unleashed)

After seeing the leaked Sonic Unleashed video, I tried my best not to give in to the hype. I finally gave in after what SEGA showed at E3. I have a pretty good feeling about Sonic Unleashed (and Sonic and the Black Knight). I even think the werehog gameplay looked awesome. Sure I was hyped about Sonic 06 in the past, but at the same time I didn't know why I was hyped. I guess it was the graphics. Who knows? (who cares?)

Anyways, I can't wait to finally play these two games, because I have a good feeling that there gonna be great. I don't care if people what people say anymore. All they do is complain whenever a new Sonic game is announced, whether its about the voice acting, them saying the sonic is not about speed, or if they think SEGA / Sonic Team is ripping off Twilight Princess. As for me, I'm playing all the Sonic games on the Genesis (Mega-Drive) to keep myself occupied until the games are released.

Also, I have some great new videos on mt youtube channel. If you like them, please subscribe, because I'm barely on GS.

Here's the link:

Gotta juice!

I just got a Wii!

I told my friends on Youtube about this. So I figured, why not let my friends on Gamespot know as well?

The reason why I got a Wii is because I got bored of my PS3. I had to choose between the 360 or Wii. I think the Wii was a better choice then 360 because its cheaper, and plus the virtual console.

Leave me your friend codes if you want!

See ya!

I'm Now Entering SEGA World! #5

Wow! Eversince the new year started, I have bought alot of SEGA games. This will be the last post on "SEGA World" for a while. I'll buy more SEGA games sometime in the summer.

Jewel Master - SEGA Genesis
Fatal Fury 2 - SEGA Genesis

Eternal Champions - SEGA Genesis
Cyborg Justice - SEGA Genesis
Alien Storm - SEGA Genesis
Bubble Bobble - SEGA Saturn
Cyber Speedway - SEGA Saturn
Darius Gaiden - SEGA Saturn
Dark Legend - SEGA Saturn
SEGA Rally Championship - SEGA Saturn

See ya in the summer!

I'm Now Entering SEGA World! #4

Alright. I bought a crap load of SEGA (mostly Genesis) games.

Last Battle - SEGA Genesis
Conra: Hard Corps - SEGA Genesis
Kid Chameleon - SEGA Genesis
Die Hard Arcade - SEGA Saturn

Bio-hazard Battle - SEGA Genesis
Decap Attack - SEGA Genesis
Earthworm Jim 2 - SEGA Genesis
Ecco the Dolphin - SEGA Genesis
Ecco: The Tides of Time - SEGA Genesis
Final Zone - SEGA Genesis
Gaiares - SEGA Genesis
Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar - SEGA Genesis
Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage - SEGA Genesis
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck - SEGA Genesis

Soul Calibur - SEGA Dreamcast

Also, I did a video review on Last Battle on the Genesis.

Happy New Year!

Happy 2008! Here's my list of games of 2007 (* = traded in game) (** = Lost game)


1. Lost Planet - X Box 360
2. Sonic The Hedgehog - PS3


1. Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters - PSP
2. Crackdown - X Box 360
3. Sonic And The Secret Rings - Nintendo Wii
4. Virtua Fighter 5 - PS3


1. *Lumines Plus* - PS2
2. MotorStorm - PS3
3. Contra - NES
4. Forgotton Worlds - Sega Genesis
5. Castle Of Illusion - Sega Genesis
6. Castlevania - NES
7. Castlevania II: Simons Quest - NES
8. Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt - NES
9. Tetris - NES
10. Friday The 13th - NES
11. **Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde** - NES
12. Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES
13. Godzilla - NES
14. Toejam & Earl - Sega Genesis
15. E.T. - Atari 2600
16. Dig Dug - Atari 2600
17. Breakout - Atari 2600
18. Missile Command - Atari 2600
19. Steets Of Rage - Sega Genesis
20. **War Gods** - N64
21. Laserblast - Atari 2600
22. *TMNT* - PSP
23. *Armored Core 4* - PS3
24. Wii Play - Nintendo Wii


1. Twin Cobra - Sega Genesis
2. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - PS3
3. *Super Paper Mario* - Nintendo Wii
4. FEAR - PS3


1. *Samurai Showdown* - Sega Genesis
2. Streets Of Rage 2 - Sega Genesis
3. *Genesis 6-Pak* - Sega Genesis
4. Spider-Man - Atari 2600


1. Mega Man 2 - NES
2. Rad Racer - NES
3. Asteroids - Atari 2600
4. Berzerk - 2600
5. Video Pinball - Atari 2600
6. Combat - Atari 2600
7. Defender - Atari 2600
8. Pac-Man - Atari 2600
9. Warlords - Atari 2600
10. Kaboom - Atari 2600
11. Crystal Castles - Atari 2600
12. Barnstorming - Atari 2600
13. Pitfall - Atari 2600
14. Pole Position - Atari 2600
15. River Raid - Atari 2600
16. Space Invaders - Atari 2600
17. Space Jockey - Arati 2600
18. Circus Atari - Atari 2600
19. Starmaster - Atari 2600
20. Yars' Revenge - Atari 2600
21. Tomb Raider: Anniversary - PS2
22. Ghostbusters - Sega Genesis
23. After Burner 2 - Sega Genesis
24. The Darkness - X Box 360
25. The Darkness - PS3
26. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas - PS3


1. Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins - PSP
2. Mega Man: Powered Up - PSP
3. Ninja Gaiden: Sigma - PS3
4. Mega Man X: Maverick Hunter - PSP


1. Madden 08 - X Box 360
2. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - Nintendo Wii
3. Guitar Hero 2 - X Box 360
4. Bioshock - X Box 360
5. Two Worlds - X Box 360
6. Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time - PS2
7. Panzer Dragoon - Sega Saturn
8. Virtua Fighter Kids - Sega Saturn
9. Revenge Of Shinobi - Sega Genesis
10. Super Hand-On - Sega Genesis
11. Metriod Prime 3: Corruption - Nintendo Wii
12. Street Fighter Alpha 2 - Sega Saturn


1. Lair - PS3
2. Warhawk - PS3
3. Resident Evil - Sega Saturn
4. Strider - Sega Genesis
5. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Sega Genesis
6. Comix Zone - Sega Genesis
7. Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition - Sega Saturn
8. Heavenly Sword - PS3
9. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - PS2
10. Jak II - PS2
11. Jak III - PS2
12. ESWAT: City Under Siege - Sega Genesis
13. Vectorman - Sega Genesis
14. Vectorman 2 - Sega Genesis
15. X-Men: Children of the Atom - Sega Saturn
16. Power Stone - Sega Dreamcast
17. I-Ninja - PS2
18. Halo 3 - X Box 360
19. Dirt - PS3


1. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - Nintndo DS
2. TimeSplitters 2 - PS2
3. Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow - PSP
4. Call Of Duty 3 - Xbox 360
5. The Orange Box - X Box 360
6. Ratchet & Cank Future: Tools Of Destruction - PS3
7. The Eye Of Judgement - PS3
8. Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock - PS3
9. Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock - X Box 360


1. Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - X Box 360
2. Stranglehold - PS3
3. Super Mario Galaxy - Nintendo Wii
4. Mass Effect - X Box 360
5. Assassin's Creed - PS3
6. Sonic Rivals 2 - PSP
7. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - PS3


1. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles - PSP
2. Jurrasic Park - NES
3. Kung-Fu - NES
4. Rock Band - X Box 360
5. Rock Band - PS3
6. Unreal Tournament 3 - PS3
7. The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II - X Box 360
8. The Orange Box - PS3
9. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - PS3


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