This is one thing I have notice lately with most games coming out now. With most games like FPS and RPG's is you want the game to be longer then 12 hours in a RPG our a FPS that tacks longer then 6 hours to beat. But the sad part is most games are starting to become that 6-hour fps that makes no scene or that RPG with a lame story. Most of the games back in the late 90's and early 00's were long and fun to play with good story and charters like FF7 and FF8 or the legend of Zelda games for the 64.
And also one more thing is also games are starting to get easier to play then they use to. My problem with that is with games getting easier to play its not going to be fun because 6 hours later you are done. So rely is shorter games that are easier to beat are they the new black?
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