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Jay ward... of starcraft broodwar.

Every so Often I go back to take a collage course and every so often I get one that Is taught by a former video game Dude…. You know since I take those classes to get game making skills.

This time it happen to be Jay Ward, don't know who that is? Well he worked for sapphire entertainment or what ever it was they did some game boy advance stuff, but who cares really the work everybody will know is they helped Blizzard with the starcraft brood war expansion pack.

Anyway I never thought I would run into a dude who did anything with starcraft anywhere, the man did not live up to my expectation in fact he was an idiot he showed 30 minutes or more late to his own class letting us sit there in the mornings.

I Got nothing out of his class that happened to be on Corel "painter" a Photoshop like painting program (he also made everybody buy expensive wacom tablets but I already had one) On the other hand I got to see original broodwar artwork from that expansion. You know all the pretty patings on the box/book and whatever.

The guy did not give a crap about making games though and was only in it for the cash he rather paint pictures of jesus for almost no money , so Ironic.

Oh and he also had next to no Idea how to use painter Brushes that would Obviously be very useful in painting textures for game use or maya/3d studio max he said was "worthless" and told use never to use them and crap like that. So in other words this guy who was in charge of some of these games as lead artist had next to no idea how 3d studio max or maya function. (this is obvious since he compared painter and Photoshop to maya all the time and you would get crap texture work without a good painting program like photoshop for your UV maps.

In other words he taught it like a normal paper paint class and told us next to nothing on how to use the power of the painter program, he just said go paint crap (obviously he just wants his pay check and don't care about teaching either.)

Worse teacher I ever had I left after a few weeks since I was never officaly on the enrolled he never got around to putting me on the list and I saw no point in staying in his class.

I tried to get some starcraft work from the dude ( to sell on ebay since he made me angry with his lame class and I did not want to be reminded where I got it from) but got nowhere he thinks the starcraft art he did is worthless and thinks one of his jesus paintings would bring in more cash since games are a big joke to the guy I guess……. Ya I am sure ok dude what ever you say, I am sure some insanely rich guy from korea would pay a boatload for that stuff.

The mega ton 16 bit sega marketing promo that never was..

Since I have been going to collage in multimedia (video game focused) I have ran into many interesting professors I have met the persons who do many advertisements you see Such as the "citi bank" logo and I have herd the funny story about how she was burned out and it was one of her rejected ideas that the client liked...(well funny to the class anyway we laughed.)

The even more interesting ones how ever are the professors that was freelance designers/artist/what ever that worked for video game companies at one time. One of my current/"the best" is one who used to do layouts for the plastic game boxes at sega making the game art look nice setting up the text what not.

I found this out because by chance that day I had my sonic knuckles/sonic 3 and my sega nomad to show a fellow student I really did 14 chaos emeralds back in 1993 with all characters since he said it was impossible you know gamer guy talk.

The teacher walked passed and saw my sonic 3 box and went "Hey my box! I worked on designing that box." I am not going to name names to protect the innocent who signed NDA or something. (It was 1993 though so I am sure nobody cares anymore, but just to be safe.)

Needless to say I freaked out at had a sweet long talk about sonic 3's USA box art.

Thus getting into the "The "mega ton" 16-bit marketing promo that never was.."

Did you know like the Japanese band "Dreams come true" had written the music Michel Jackson was to do the music for the sonic 3 project? (sonic and knuckles is the other half of sonic 3 that did not fit.)

He said he was told to remove this Text that the game featured music Michel Jackson from the front and back of the box. Why? Sonic 3 was about to be released shortly near or after Michael Jackson Child molestation scandal. Kids loved Michael Jackson but sega was not going to touch this with a 10-foot pole and put him on the games box.

This would have been a mega-ton promo In 1993 michael Jackson still owned the world if you thought microsoftshalos market push since 2001 was huge ending with a HALO car and sodathis would have been bigger. The game would have been brought out with the power of sonic (who also was a super star in 1993) and Michael Jackson Who had enough fans to fill a small country. CD's and music videos on mtv with Michael Jackson in the future filled with the games songs in cd quality with Jackson singing was not out of the question.

Fan of Jackson who did not play games and herd of sonic might have gave it a try, cats and dogs living together in other words huge.

Why should people believe me about this? Most won't but I have herd it from the guy who removed it from the package and past showings of sega and Michael Jackson prove other wise it was possible.

Jackson has said he loves sega, has many of there products, they had the exclusive on the sega game "Michael Jackson Moonwalker" more partnerships was bound to happen and they did Michael Jackson showed up after his popularity went down hill in sega's "space channel 5" (though for some crazy reason sega did not say so he was hidden).

So what happened to the music Jackson did ? People outside sega say It was remixed by sega sound engineers and composers, to avoid legal action later. (the pc version was changed but this could have been because most PC in those days did not have sound chips and use CPU midi sound that did not work well.)

The legal reason speculation of the PC version is not true sega fully uses the game sound track in full even to this day unchanged for wii or other emulations of sonic 3. simple Midi from the PC is much different from the Genesis z80 based sound chip code. The problem laid at the way genesis made digitized voice samples at the time back then this was cutting edge sound tech that the PC build code did not support.

However for the sega genesis it was "sort of" Some of the music for genesis was changed drastically while others not so much a few did it you can tell the ones the engineers got, they did not change them much at all..

What did Michael do with the notes he scribbled down for sega and sonic team? Easy he released them as songs with vocals since as new songs the music stillrocked. (really I loved it many do that is why it was so good)

I am not musical by any means but hear a few songs such as "stranger in Moscow" made me want to play sonic 3 now I know why somebody had to point them out to me so I looked this up for other roomers.

Apparently other more "musically inclined people" than me spotted this right away and now that I know it is obvious. So I give you this video from one of the more musically inclined people that beat me to finding this out.

Yes just about everybody beat me to it including other workers at sega.....But I still enjoyed my talk with the box layout artist anyway , It's not a secret anymore but interesting and not everybody knows it was new to me today.

So for a shor tiem I thought I had hidden secret info from a sega worker of the past it turns out since other sega people spilled the beans a long time ago I do not..

As the class goes on I am going to try to get more out of this guy, maybe I will bribe him with aoreo cookie box tomarrow...

MAke up your own mind about it.

When Edios can't buy a review with advertizement money they make up there own...

When Edios can't buy a review with advertizement money they make up there own... You know I have seen this in the past with Edios titles and I did not pay much mind until today. For years I would see a certain game publication mentioned in Edios ads, with things they said an go "humm I do not remember that magazine/.WEb site say that." or they would take a phrase from a preview and put a score. You know I used to think it was an advertizement mistake or something not I am not sure.

As you can see here Eidos has been giving 5 star rating to kane and lynch in there ads!!!! and putting big name game sites quotes wich are fake or from previews! This is very real I have seen this in paper print ads as well not just on kane and lynch but other game ads they have done this just reminded me of all the times I have seen this.

One of the 5 star reviews quotes is from a fav site of mine gamespy they did not give the game 5 stars it got 3 stars (AKA a 6.0 what Jeff said). You can go there and see it for your self. Edios making up reviews for there games just add more fire to the fact that they may have been doing something in this gamespot issue.

The fact that Edios is staying silent gives even more reason to list them as part of this issue when there lies are right there in print if they are making up hype lies they what else have they done?

Convince some high management at cnet/gamespot that some workers should be fired?
Bribes? who knows.

How are they getting away with this? I am pretty sure there is some type of legal or publicationlaw somewhere that you can not make upstuff a publication did not say that is false advertizement

Wii died before launch day xbox 360.

MY before launch Wii is broken anyway now . Just before launch of metroid prime 3 and i was going to get the game early from the sales people.

And it died the same way xbox 360's do and my xbox 360 has not died since it's launch in 2005.

This is the first nintendo product to ever brake on me in 20+ years and nintendo charged me to ship it even though it was under warranty Microsoft at least pays for shipping.Nintendo owes me big for having every one of the consoles they should pay shipping.

So I do not know If they code will be the same when it comes back and i do not know if the people i added from here already will still be there on my Wii to play mario stikers charged later when it returns from nintendo repair. Who knows what nintendo will do with it.

I am guessing it was heat and I baby the Wii and keep it cool, Since nintendo shoved all that junk in there with little air flow like the xbox 360 I expect lots of them to brake soon. Though when I got it i gave it a burn-in like I do my GPu's and CPu on my PC to make sure I did not get a lemon Wii cpu and gpu, and it passed 2 days running a game with no lock up

So I do not get it. why fail now so long after? If it was bad it would have failed at the burn in.

I am not happy Metroid prime 3 was whyI bought Wii if it is out I want to play it then not later. So not happy i cant even type.

And As I have thought The manager of the store sold metroid prime to me as soon as they got the box about 7 days before and since The wii is gone I have not played it so, that does me no good.l

Wii code

Since even months after launch, I still seem to be the only one with in 500 miles of the room I keep the wii in and unable to get Wii codes by actual physical talkage with a person since nobody has one or can get one.

Here is mine.

Wii code


Yes I want yours and anything else wii so I can use it online for anything.

The wii zelda turned out better than it did at the start Ill give it 7.5 compared to ZELda's on NES and SNES that are 9.0' or higher

and the zelda's i hate on n64 that are 6.0's. That perfect 10 game spot gave it is more of a joke the more the n64 games age. I don't care what 3dplay **** it invented lots of games do play **** first don't make it a good zelda game.

That digital insurance pic I was going to do one of many.


My new store display from the dead lionel playworld code name m82 something or other.

fully working nes with tons of slots to put games for the super lazy

Will aslo change games while not being played to show them all off perfect waste of electrcity next to any home arcade cabinet.

next on my list the ones shaped like gameboys and the snes displays that have the shiny nintendo signs.

first sonic I have not had much fun with in years.

Oh man the new sonic on xbox 360is bad so far

It'a trying to be as cool as sonic adventure was and fails hard.

I can think of a million things that should be done to it to do it the right way.

don't think I have ben this dissipointed since sonic 3d blast on saturn.

I am taking back anything I said about getting all the achevement points I don't think I want to play it that long.

now it's going to sit next to my wii zelda game when I have nothing else to play and have to play them.

Somebody left there camera over night.

 I am taking a picture of a couple disk system games for documentry in this space proof in case of fire or alien invasion.

and the NES store display device known as the m-82 fully working NES with 12 game slots, there is also a timer i must disable to use it as real nes to load 12 games.

That just happens to the store exact store display from the "local lionel playworld"  I played as a kid.

against all odds I obtained it over 10 years later finding it by chance being sold since there was only one play world here where it is listed to have come from.

I know that is the unit and I remember the sitickers.

Apperntly the person who beat me to the nintendo section goods when the store closed and all was given away or sold cheep the first time is who I bought it from. It sat mostly unused in this store roo m all this time since the day I lost the give away.

To bad it was a mail order I wanted to see the guy that caused me child hood trama of losing all those nintendo promo items.

If game spot will let me up load them without much work.

OK this xbox live chargeing is getting out of hand

Sonic xbox pictures. Over $1 for pictures to put on your game card and a theme.

I am not going to take part in this paying of  wothless content.

it's worth 10 cents at most. 

And now that I have seen them they look like stuff people make in photoshop everyday as wall paper for free.

take promo art from anywhere cut past in photoshop add fancy effects done give us 1$ a pop!

I am taking my stand to never pay for some of these things.

Another Bad zelda game.

OK unlike metroid  who retro stuidos is doing a good job with matching and even improving on art and style in some places.

I hate the new putz team who is running zelda I mean the guy even said HE hated and did not play the first 3 zelda games on NES snes, the whole reason I liked zelda to start.

I hate the style and the whole thing is totaly diffrent from the nes and snes games and don't even come close to being as good.

I do not see why people like these anymore they still have the same issues of loading everytime you reacha barrier rather than streaming from disk like metroid prime.

Anyway I hate zelda WII already and I have tried it for about 5 hours. It's like the n64 games It bites hard I don't like it.

Ohh and ALL the NPC characters make annoying sounds still and are still ugly.

Remeber zelda 1 and 2 and 3 when the art was good and nobody was ugly? Lets not forget they did not make noise like the freaks they are.

And there was no milk bar and link was not a cowboy!!! yes those was the days.

(though on snes it was starting down the path of ugly town freaks but it was not so bad and they did not make noise.)

My ideal of how link should look in 3d is from the NES and SNES game manuals where everything was lush huge and link looked bad ass everything was serious.

Mostly from the zelda 2 manual but still...and they changed the classic brown link tights from early wii versions back to white again... lame!..

The only thing that save it is that the game play is decent but you still can't shoot a beam out of your sword.

I will probabley give it about a 7.5 unless it gets better and does something that impresses me like zelda 1 on nes...

I never agreed on the n64 scores for zelda gamespot has of "10"  those zelda's have problems and could have been better I seen it then I see it worse now.

Metroid is why i bought a wii anyway I was not expecting much from zelda wii.

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