Since even months after launch, I still seem to be the only one with in 500 miles of the room I keep the wii in and unable to get Wii codes by actual physical talkage with a person since nobody has one or can get one.
Here is mine.
Wii code
Yes I want yours and anything else wii so I can use it online for anything.
The wii zelda turned out better than it did at the start Ill give it 7.5 compared to ZELda's on NES and SNES that are 9.0' or higher
and the zelda's i hate on n64 that are 6.0's. That perfect 10 game spot gave it is more of a joke the more the n64 games age. I don't care what 3dplay **** it invented lots of games do play **** first don't make it a good zelda game.