but a car is an essential thing in life for an average consumer it needs tons fixing when there's an issue u dont buy a new car just because your wind sheild is cracked, a console is more like a peice of meat you want to have a different taste just add salt and pepper or some bbq sauce what that will it cost u 1% of the price? Yes... there were alot of hardware upgrades back then but its not the same level of playing feild.
SophaerLam's forum posts
Well to me buying a new console is upgrading hardware to play the next big title, in the pc world upgrading every year means that your an enthusiast gamer that have the money to dish out on a 700$ video card to play the new and older games at ultra setting and at the resolution of 1080p but for an average pc user you upgrade every what... 3 or 4 years thats like 100$ for the viedo card that was 700$ and 30 $ for some extra memories, 130$ for you after 10 years is making a big hole in your budget? Lets say the next console that you will buy to the next cod or uncharted is 700$ at launch and the ps3 had a video card and memory slot, would you instead dish out 130$ to play it on your ps3 right away? or wait the next year or two for a price drop ? What devs can do technicaly with a game depends only on the hardware aspects.
Upgrading could give it a long life span, im not saying that you need to upgrade every year like pc enthusiast does, Im saying in long therms, Lets say the devs uses directx 11 for 8 to 9 years to make the games for the new consoles and that directx 12 comes the10th year it could expand its life span so no need for a new 600$ console for quite awhile.
Hey whats up guys, what do you think of an upgradable console? nowadays pc's can have a CPU with an intergraded GPU called APU, so a graphic card is optional. If games has the option to give you more eye candy would you consider buying a graphic card or extra memories?
or wait and save money for something better? can u guys inform me on whats going to come out in the APU world? and if it is good to build one this year how much will it cost me to build one to play 2011 games and the ones coming for the next 2 or 3 years? thx in advance.
Ok, I don't want to spend alot of money on a new model Ps3, should I buy a 20 gig for the next 2 or 3 years or invest on another 80 gig. If some of you have a 20 gig, for how long did you have it.
Within 5 or 6 years (2006-2012) pc cards has improved the visual grafics dramatically, how many more years will it take for the graphics to be photo realistic in video games on pc's.
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