My friend Kristen and I were both around the same sickie early this week. We haven't identified the culprit, but we're too busy feeling like death to care.
I present, a series of amusing texts from one sickie to another.
March 20, 6:13 pm
Sara: I finally put clothes on
March 20, 6:15 pm
Kristen: I ate 5 crackers and have 102.5 fever
March 20, 6:16 pm
Sara: Goodness. I don't think I even own a thermometer.
Some time passes, some tylenol is consumed, various death wishes are wholeheartedly expressed and fortunately not-granted. I discover that I do own a thermometer, and I also am boasting a body temperature in the 100+ range.
March 20, 8:31 pm
Kristen: How are you doing? My fever is down 2 degrees!
March 20, 8:33 pm
Sara: I'm very tired, but I've been awake most of the afternoon and I can sort of breathe now.
March 20, 8:34 pm
Kristen: Good deal. I think we might live.
:lol: Oh the melodrama. Current time: 11:54 pm. Both still alive. Despite the lingering fever (my skin hurts like a sunburn!), I think we'll both survive to wreak vengeance on the sickie who did this to us.