SophinaK / Member

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Back from Eastern Mass

...I've been informed that Boston is something of a misnomer as I was in fact going to a location in the Greater Boston Area but not Boston itself. So indeed, I have returned from Eastern Massachusetts.

The LSAT is over and done with and it's back to the same old same old of daily life. Hopefully that means I'll be showing my face around here a lot more. I've missed it in my rush to study. I've also been working two jobs while studying, so that takes up a fair amount of time even now that the test is over with.

For those of you who'll be curious, I don't get scores back on the test for a few weeks... 4-6 to be imprecise. I feel pretty good about how I did. There weren't any questions I was completely at a loss on and I didn't leave any sections unfinished, so I'm hoping I did pretty well. We'll find out I guess.

I did have a pretty hard time finding my car after the test. Boy does that make one feel like a dunce! :P

Well peoples, how's the week been for all of you?