SophinaK / Member

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I've noticed in the last few weeks that I've been playing sort of an odd mix of games, it's pretty unusual for me to play more than one game at once, so the way I've been popping them in and out at random lately is odd in and of itself.

I hate the term backlog. It makes me feel like having some unfinished games on my shelf is somehow wrong or that there's some reason I ought to. I don't want it to be work, and thinking about it like work makes me not wanna do it. So here's what I've been dabbling in and/or finishing up.

My Oblivion obsession is tapering off, after two weeks of playing more than full-time. I've completed all the guild quests, including the Dark Brotherhood, I've done a fair amount of the main quest line and I've decided I don't particularly care about the main quest. Hence the tapering off. I think the problem with the game is that it's more about the challenges of various quests and there isn't really much focus on the story at all. Now that was enough to engage me for a long long tim, but it isn't enough to make me get through the main quest because I don't care that much about the challenge of the storyline level. It isn't the kind of thing that I was interested in. I liked the thieves quest best, and the Dark Brotherhood quests were mostly interesting too. The Mages and Fighters quests were not as interesting, I had to force myself to finish them, and that took the fun out of it. When I got to the Aid for Bruma quest and I realized how much running around I was going to have to do on Oblivion planes (is it just me or were they all alike and not that interesting?), I just couldn't make myself do it.

So in the void left by Oblivion I'm playing a little of this n' that.

Since a while ago m0zart told me the (obvious *smacks head*) solution to my problem in Eternal Darkness, I restarted that, and lo and behold now that I'm not hung up on an easy part, I got quite a long way into that. I like the storytelling, I love what happens when I don't get my sanity up in time.... sometimes it makes me a little motion sick, but I'm willing to put up with it. Also I like the spells creation and the rune collecting stuff.

Also, I never finished Twilight Princess, so I have popped that in and out occasionally. I can't seem to get into the mood for it though. Does anyone else have to be in a certain mood for Zelda?

I'm also fighting my way back through Mass Effect trying to get some of the achievements for being a bad dude, and also some of the weapon specialization I missed the first time through. I'm almost halfway through that again.

I've also got kind of a retro craving lately, and I'm rerunning back through FF VIII and FF IX.

And Shadow Hearts Covenant. Again. Maybe this time I'll finish it. I just can't get enough of the judgement ring.

Aaaand, I think that's everything. No news yet on the job hunt. Cross your fingers for me.