During moving I bustificated my network card, and I haven't been able to scrape together the spare cash to get another one yet.My wii and my cell phone both go online, but neither one is particularly gamespot friendly, so my onlinings have mostly taken the form of emails and googling things. Also haven't made much headway with anything else lately, as my family's been taking up all my spare time.
this past week we hosted a 50th anniversary party for my grandparents, attended by no less than six of their children, and twenty four grandchildren. It was bustling. As a part of the main organizing family I've been run off my feet for about the last month trying to square the details of who stays with who, who feeds who, who picks up who at which airport, who missed which flight, and other details in the same vein.
I won't be around probably till after christmas because this family stuff is pretty expensive, but another card is in the works, and hopefully this spring a replacement for the junk laptop, maybemaybe.... *crosses fingers*
First must buy christmas presents, pay rent, and get car inspected.
Also, must recover from laryngitis and not get fired from missing too much work...
You can find me on XBL: SophinaK, or email, or even IM to phone. I try to reply. ;)