SophinaK / Member

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Oh God, the snow, the snow!

In the last forty eight hours, my car has been towed on a chain three times. That's THREE separate occasions when the snow has been so deep, thick, slippery, and downright dastardly that my car has been unable to go someplace under its own power and has needed to be literally dragged there behind a truck.

Two of those times have been into my own driveway.

In the last two days we have gotten about a foot of snow, and it is still coming down. (Will it never end?) I missed work entirely on Monday due to heading directly into a ditch (the first of the chain-hauling occasions) within four miles of my house, then I don't know how well I'll manage tomorrow. Tonight my normally forty-five minute commute took me an hour and forty minutes (that's more than twice its usual length!!) and I don't know what tomorrow's going to be like. Hopefully it will be better because I've been firmly instructed that I can't miss any (repeat any at all) more time from work without being written up. Despite the fact that I physically may not be able to go to work. Bah. Humbug.