The other night I was driving home from work and there were some deer in the road. Well the first deer kindly got out of my way, and I continued with only a bit of brake-slamming and mild cursing. The second deer leapt out in front of me and then just stood there, like... well, like a deer in the headlights. That particular deer caused me a lot of swerving, tire squealing, and a bit of going off the road into a ditch. The ditch in question was fortunately a very friendly ditch. Nearly flat, grassy, and leading gently into a field. It was an easy ditch to get into, sit for a bit breathing heavily, and then get right back out of and continue. When there were no deer left, of course.
That was scary for sure, but what I saw today made me realize how much scarier it could have been. We've been having a weird summer 'round here. Very hot and dry compared to our usual weather, with just enough heavy torrential rain to cause a lot of road wash outs. As a result there's been more than the usual amount of routine road maintenance going on. Thought nothing of it.
Today I drove past the spot where the deer chased me into the very friendly ditch. That ditch is no longer friendly. It's been dug out to keep the rainwater from washing out the road, and where less than a week ago there was a nice smooth grassy slope, now there is an abrupt four foot drop with a bunch of large sharp spiky rocks at the bottom. And a bulldozer. Scary! How lucky am I that I drove into that ditch last week and not this week? And how scared am I that the deer might come back and I'll wind up at the bottom of that spiky rocky pit next week? *shiver* I feel lucky all over.
In unscary news, T-Mobile continues to impress with their bathroom humor. Gone are the Calvin and Hobbes mocktastic posters. In their place a new poster, intended to celebrate the latest in a string of JD Power awards for customer service... this one reads "We're on a Roll!" And it's plastered, you got it, on the toilet paper dispensers. On a roll, eh? Get it? Get it?!