I haven't been dead or sleeping or hanging out with cool real world friends I'm too mean to share with you guys (:P). I've been frantically applying for everything in sight that looks like it might be a law school.
Ever since October's LSAT things have been kind of up in the air, am I applying this year? Am I applying next year? A financial obligation came up that I had absolutely no way of clearing on my own, and that put the brakes on pretty firmly and I had kind of set aside the idea of applying this year... but then things cleared up (aka, my dad decided it was important enough to step in and keep me from drowning in my own insolvency).
And the long and short of it is, I am now officially a law school applicant. I'm hoping someday soon I will be able to say I'm a law student...
That day is not yet. :P
But now that the stress of the actual applications, the chasing down transcripts and birth certificates, the prodding of scatterbrained philosophy professors who are dawdling on writing letters of recommendation, the composing and recomposing and re-recomposing of application essays is over, you should see me around here a little more. At least I hope. ;)