SophinaK / Member

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Waiting (not the disgustingly funny restaurant movie, the tedious kind)

I didn't realize that the apparent dreamlife of sitting on the couch in pajamas all day with my 360 controller in one hand and a Killians in the other would get old so fast.

I mean, not that there isn't a certain charm to getting up at 3pm on a Wednesday and immediately beginning a crusade of drinking that will last until the small hours of Thursday morning. It's more that most of my friends can't or won't indulge in such crusades in the middle of the week, so I'm left with the bleak choice of either drinking with sober people (yeurgh), drinking alone (call AA), or not drinking at all (and this is where I find myself). Being unemployed is guaranteed to make one wish one was more of a lush, but it doesn't seem to be working out to actually turn me into one.

Also the limitless possibility of going out at any time has not materialized, largely because without the constraints of work my sleep habits roll over immediately and slide into a vampirelike regularity where I sleep with the sun and wake with the dusk. This is not an asset to having a social life, as going anywhere means everyone else will be asleep before I'm ready for lunch.

To counteract this continual boredom I've been writing a lot, the continuation of a project I started around about Halloweenish. I've written just over sixty pages of cookie-cutter material which might be novel-length if I ever work up the gumption to finish it. I can't imagine a first attempt ever pans out into much more than scribblings that would seem familiar to half a million or so nerds all across the country, and that is, I suspect all this will amount to as well. But I'm spending more time currently with fictional characters than with anyone alive, if one discounts my dog Daltrey who barks a whole lot more when I'm with her 24/7 to hear it.:roll:

What this means in plain English is this: Please, Please, prospective employer, I have done your test-like assignment and emailed it to you well before your generous deadline. Approve me! I need work and income and a life with goals in it, other than my next achievement in my second playthrough of Mass Effect and reaching the end of chapter six! Please do not take another two weeks to respond to me like you did the first time, I can't wait that long, I'm running out of money, food, patience, and above all sanity!:cry:

*falls to the ground stricken, with eyeballs bulging out of head*