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Sora1012 Blog

Been awhile since I was on, I got a favor to ask my friends

Hey guys, I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out here, I've found this site with the help of one of my friends. It's kind of a rewards site, you complete a couple offers and get referrals to get stuff. My friend actually got an Ipod touch off this site, and he gave me some advice, the main way to get your reward is to get referrals. So I'll be tryin to give as much of a detailed guide as I can with this. This can benefit you because you also can sign up and get referrals and what not to eventually get prizes...

First off, click on this link:

Once there, sign up at the bottom of the page, pick a username and password, remember it though. Then, once registered, click on the "Complete Offer" tab. On that page it will say this above the first offer :

"Complete one of these great offers to qualify for your free gift!
Looking for those easy, No Credit Card Offers? Click here."

Click where it says 'Click here.' After that you'll be on a screen that says Option A and B. Click A, a list will drop down. Pick from one of those, go to My Status tab after you've done one, if you did it correctly, it'll show the one you did in that web page. If not please go back and try another =/.
NOTE*: You do NOT have to put real info in there, if it asks for a legit address or something put in 7673 Lancaster Avenue and for the zip put 17067.

If you have any problems post em here, or if you've completed a survey thinger or w/e.

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