Hey Everyone,
Instead of just looking up pictures of games on the web to show off what I recently got, I decided to be more "personal" and just take pictures of them myself! the pictures I take will all be uploaded to my gamespot image section tab so feel free to check out the backlog when I get to more pictures.So here is the stuff:
Meet the Robinsons on Xbox 360
Bionicle Heroes on Xbox 360
Super Mario Galaxy on Nintendo Wii
Assassin's Creed on Xbox 360
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End for Nintendo DS/w Wal-mart exclusive Pirate stylus
Sorry for the quality of the pictures but the only digital camera my family has is being used for Ebay purposes now, but I had a video camera avaliable with a snapshot option so I used that. look forward to better pictures when i get a better digital camera...