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Ratchet and Clank, Geist, and more

Hey Everyone,

I decided to start my blog off by pleasing the many Playstation gamers out there with this purchase:

Yes, I finally got Ratchet and Clank for Playstation 2. This would be my first time playing the series, and I am very excited about jumping into it. However, I will note that I am not completely excited, because of my dissappointment in the Jak series, but I figure that this one has a better chance since it seems to ride along the lines of Banjo-Kazooie and Jet Force Gemini, two of my favorite games. And Guess what? after playing it for 21 min, I have to say "pretty cool." Yea, that right, I'm liking the game. I will continue to play it and put it on my Now Playing list, but I can fully say that I will probably be picking up its sequels throughout the summer, as I finish each entry. This makes me happy, since I really want more reasons to own Playstation consoles, and R&C might just be the series I need to settle that need. I really need to get the PSP game now, because I was interested before, now i can't wait to get it...This type of game is great for portable gaming. And Yes, I will be getting Ratchet and Clack Future for PS3.

Next up is something for Nintendo fans to read. I purchased, completed, and reviewed:

Geist Review

Please recommend or not recommend it, thanks!

Yes, I got Geist for GC and its probably one of the few titles on the system that can be called cla.ssic. Sure, the story doesn't really make any sense, but the gameplay really makes up for this amazing title. Nintendo really knows where talent is, and N-space shows its strength with this title. I really wish I picked this up when it came out, because its a fabulous title. Still, I do have it now, and I am impressed by its unique take on the First Person shooter genre. Also, FEAR fans lookinf for something on Wii should definitely pick this up to fill that void. The game is like almost like FEAR, yet a whole new way to play at the same time.

Next, I played a bunch of new demos this weekend. The first demo was Blacksite: Area 51 on 360, and that was really cool. It was a teaser demo, but it worth a few playthroughs before deleting. I am so-so on the title still, but it will be something that I know some people will be waiting for. The next demo was actually a full game: Cellfactor for PC. That doesn't run on my PC because I don't have the chip, but I liked what I did get to run, but i don't think its worth the price of that chip. Then I played Dreamfall: The Longest Journey Demo, and that was pretty cool. I really want to get that game on PC, but I might get it on Xbox as well for my sister.

In gaming news, I am currently playing a ton of titles at once still. I pop in whatever I feel like, and try to finish it. I have so many titles to finish. My excitement for many titles is also building, with news on Burnout Paradise flowing and many summer titles leering closer, I feel that pressure of finishing my current titles building.

In other news, I have been working like a dog at my job. I have yet another batch of double shifts this week, starting once again on Thrusday. The work is alright, but it gets boring after a while. Still, I think its all worth it if I get my HDTV in the end. Besides that, life goes on, I got to talk to my co-workers alot more this weekend thanks to working so much, and my connections with them are rekindled, which is nice.

So busy, so much stuff going on, I feel I have no time to be in unions and such. Sorry to my unions, but it seems the summer is becoming a bad time for me to be active. I will blog when I can and comment on blogs when I can. Malek, if you read this, I will miss your blogs a ton my friend. They always kept me informed on the latest, and knowing no more are coming makes me sad. I hope the next community you are in treats ya right.

