holy c*ap! i just dicover i'm officially addicated to Final Fantasy XIII since now! :S
here a print screen of my music counter (Last.fm) its great site with fantastic abilities to show what are you listening to all the way before, not only around computer but also in your iPod and your iPhone too :D
click on the page for bigger size
Since i've been listening to Final Fantasy XIII battle theme song for the past 48 hours and of course i allready have it in the iPod, iPhone, PSP and the computer :P. I just figure out Last.fm had counted 420 times already! i just can't believe ma SELF XD !
horrraaahh! ... GO Uematsu SAMA GO GO! XD
i'm downloading Black Eyed Peas new album [The E.N.D] i'm sure its gonna be another kind of addiction over there too, who knows?...