Most of the ultimate weapons in FFVII scale directly with stats though so getting them early didn't really do anything. Especially for Vincent...his is weaker than pretty much anything else he can use until you kill a tooooon of enemies.
The Junction system was probably the biggest reason people dislike FFVIII...and after the Materia system it isn't that surprising. It was a good idea but needed better execution.
The Materia system is still one of the best systems used in a FF game, no matter what people think of FFVII's story and such. Path Of Exile is smart for using it and copying the Sphere Grid from X also. Makes the game more fun than most ARPGs.
FFVII - Ultimate weapons don't count, since you get them at the end of the game. Even then, Materia like the Summons are still more useful, especially against Ruby and Emerald.
FFVIII - Besides junctioning an early Water to STR, you generally had to use a bit of tactics to kill the tougher enemies. But hey, drawing 100 Water for everyone is like battling for 10 levels in another game, so you should get a big power boost.
Modern RPGs, basically anything for 360/PS3 have been changed for the worse almost universally. There are maybe 2-5 decent RPGs out for both systems's really sad to see this generation compared to the PS2 era.
@StriderTuna @SorrowsFlame @lumbergoose There are no other FF games besides 12 where you could mash attack through 90% of the battles and win unless you were horribly overleveled. 12 doesn't really count because you don't even have to actually press a button at all to win.
@StriderTuna @lumbergoose @SorrowsFlame FF13 just took the traditional ATB and added in elements that were pointlessly redundant. 95% of the time you just mashed the same three commands for each gave you the illusion of tactical choice without actually giving any.
As for the was so bad and forgettable I barely remember any specifcs.
@StriderTuna @lumbergoose @SorrowsFlame FFX did have a somewhat linear map/area design, but it made up for it with the character customization, side quests like the monster area, classic battle system, etc.
FFXIII just failed in everything but graphics. And if graphics are what you care shouldn't be playing RPGs in the first place.
@StriderTuna @Justforvisit @Zero_resistance @SorrowsFlame If you want mindless, go play FF12. The gambit system would literally fight every battle for you without the press of a single button. IMO it's the second worst FF (after FF13, of course) just because of the battle system.
FF10 was the last good game in the series. It's been 100% downhill from there.
If by "not meeting the franchise expectations" you mean "not even close to the same league or should even be considered the same series"...then you might be right. The FF13 series is terrible because it has the Final Fantasy name without being true to the series at all.
They need to look at their past games and realize what made them great in the first place.
Well, that is what happens when you make garbage like FF13/13-2/Lightning Returns/FF14 MMO instead of listening to what the fans want.
Hope this hole they've dug finally wakes them up so they can make quality again like they used to. Sad to see one of the greats that defined RPGs commit suicide like they have been.
1. Legend of Legaia(PS1) - My all time favorite 2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(N64) 3. Baldur's Gate II: Collecters Edition(PC) 4. Final Fantasy Tactics(PS1) 5. Metal Gear Solid Series(PS1/2) Most of these are likely known. Legend of Legaia is not very well known, and I don't really know why its my favorite. It might have been one of my first PS1 games, and I just can't find a game I cherish more lol
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