So, I am still making my way through Assassins Creed...I have been enjoying it a lot in doses of about 1-2 hours or so. Any more than that and I begin to get a bit bored (but for an hour or two a day AC is a blast). I was just looking at the screens of a game called 'Mirror's Edge' and I started thinking (I think because of the tall buildings and potential for jumping/climbing.. haha) about a very cool direction they could take the story.
**potential spoilers**
They may already be going this direction with it, and I wouldn't know since I am not finished with AC, but here it goes anyway:
In the current Assassins Creed Altair is in the time of the crusades and is tasked throughout the game to assassinate certain wealthy/influential/corrupt people of power. Altairs victims are allegedly "bad" people doing "bad" things. The story seems as though it might take a twist at some point (perhaps the assassins guild might be the bad guys after-all).
Anyway, there is also a back-story involving time-travel of sorts, which has so much potential to be a very cool and integral part of the story of AC. Ok, so back to my thoughts this morning, while I was looking at the screens of the modern buildings and cranes, I thought how cool it would be if the reason for the time-travel story line was for the present day incarnation of Altair to study his ancestor assassin and his skills; in order to master them. He would then use these skills to essentially do exactly what Altair was doing for the crusades, only in present day. Assassinating present day dictators, warmongers, tyrants, terrorists, etc.
I think this would be such a cool turn for the Assassins Creed story to take, and it would really involve the time-travel part of the story in a slick way. Obviously, Altair would be able to use modern day weaponry and stealth tech, but I think it would also be cool if he mostly stuck to the old-age stuff (blades/knifes/fists/etc.) since he trained extensively on those after-all. Maybe a combination of both of them... Learning how to apply the training from the crusade era to our modern day world would be a really neat experience for the present day Altair (and the gamer) to master.
Again, this is precisely where the AC story might be already headed, and if so great!
Just some thoughts.