Regardless of how the game would of turned out, it's pretty much another example why LucasArts needed to be shut down. Over the 2000s there was a constant amount of inconsistent activity that I was so frustrated with as a consumer. Games entering development, then being canceled for who knows what. Now we find out 1313 was in development and it was in constant danger of not getting finished. I'm sick of this kind of stuff, get other groups to work on Star Wars games Disney, because LucasArts really failed to get the job done.
The only issue I have is Amazing by Kanye West is in the soundtrack again. It's not a bad song, but I'm sure they could of found a different song to put in other then reusing one from a previous game's soundtrack.
That's like saying no one wants to live in any country that a war happened in, the PSN was f***ed up. So, obviously people will trust Sony has learned from it's mistakes and has taken the proper precautions...
SoulMatrix8's comments