@Darkmastersolid @cfstar The Ranger mode for Metro 2033 was added post release and developed from fan feedback. It was also free on PC and the $5 price tag was only for Xbox because of Microsoft. This is day one dlc meaning it is already done so should be included in the game.
@Darnasian @TheStonebash The witcher 2 did well, because it is a small company and they didn't spend as much money making it, the relatively small sales for a AAA title game actually made them a profit.
@Valtiel_234 I still play it mainly wanting to finish Hell and will probably after that try out some of the other classes. The game is still fun but it is wearing off a lot quicker than Diablo 2 did.
@RavenXavier The game does in fact have some randomness in the environment and quests, thought the complaint is that it is not near as random as the previous games.
@madsnakehhh I agree, I don't think it has to do with Blizzard paying them off, I do think though that because it is a Blizzard game and because of Blizzards stellar reputation in the past, they are perhaps overlooking some of the flaws with the game, that is the ones with an overall positive view of the game, and I don't know how anyone could play this game for years.
@kukumav Blizzard already won over 6 million copies sold and people, I mean idiots buying items for $250 on the RMAH. Blizzard shaving 15% of the cut. They are rolling in real world loot.
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