Soul_obsever's forum posts
OMg another ps3 problem.
someone should write a petetion or something to sony.
I mean what are our updates for to make it look like their doing something
I can't help but to feel as though this is a Namco problem due to the fact that the error code I get has only been associated with SC4 and that I've spoken to xBox users who are also having problems...
Buh? What are you talking about baka! Just because some have problems, doesn't mean they all do. Count yourself lucky moron. We certainly don't need comments from the peanut gallery...
Hello again.
I've tried wireless and wired and both are having issues. I did notice one thing with further testing last night - If I tried to find a quick match I got the message "Failed to Connect" each time, and when I hit the circle button it backed out fine - I tested this a couple of dozen times. However, I went ahead and tried to do a 'create session' and got the message "Connection Timed Out' - if I then hit the circle button to back out, the system locked up - 3 out of 3 times.
I am using a router, and that may be the issue but a) I need to if I go wireless and b) I need to in general because we only have one point of internet and we're running multiple machines including 2 wiresless devices off of it. Still, it is odd that I can semi-connect to their servers - I can view high ranking scores, I get updated on the score list when doing tower descent, and I can view myself and friends on the descent list - it's only when trying to connect to some sort of match play that things go crazy.
I am still waiting on tech support to get back to me. I did get a message back yesterday afternoon just asking what version of the ps3 firmware I was using and what version of the soulcalibur 4 update I was using (2.42 and 1.01 respectively), and included my recent findings last night as well to them, but no word back since.
Well I look forward to seeing what they say!
Is it that ur disc got some problem? Your country is very strict on pirated games? I dunno, but my ggame is perfectly fine. What i wanna whine about is that some of the people in SC4 has fcking laggy internet which you will lose without any ability to counter any moves! Go change the disc with the person who sell you the disc! ^^
I have no problems with my disc. It's in perfect condition. My internet is great; yet one game I got on and was having a drop in frame rate; I don't know why. The person I was playing against thought it was me, and I thought it was him. I'm telling you, I really just think they need to get there crap togeather and give us a new update to smooth things over.
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