u guys r ruining gaming cuz now ppl will only rehash tired franchises it cam out 1996 nd its stil teh same 2010 new ones r coming nd u all wil by it just cuz u guys r all fanboys
watchmen displayed the ide tat convoluted stories r good. mgs adopted this belief appleid it to vidoe games and called it a game. its true both hav horribly presented stories with massive amounts of unnecesarry detail and long played out documentaries and monologues mgs also dont hav any hot chicks which makes it wors
LittleBigPlanet: "do u hav a fetish with dinosores???" (wen they r waring the dino costume) Fat Princess: "y u guys force feeding women r u sexyist!?!?!?! gears 2- "y does of mice and men have so much lag oops i mean gears 2 lol" super smash brosthers- "if i culd actully tlk id say something funny" what funy things u guys say to ppls online???
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