Yeah I know, it haven't been active as much.
It's not really a problem tho' I mean it's not like something bad is gonna happen because of that.
I've just been working a lot since a ton of games are about to come out so the office is kinda busy busy busy.
I'm stressed, but it's not bad being stressed "It can harm you" so? stop crying.
"But my father/mother died because of stress" .. Boo-hoo, it makes me work better.
Quick update on the gamenight thingy:
Still haven't gotten all you peoples PSN's and whatever.
People just stopped by the blog and read and never said "PSN *Insert your PSN here*".
Do you think I'm magical and can guess your PSN-ID's in the first try?
Hell no, start writing them in the comments you fools :P
Seriously, the list is short. It's so short that a midget or a dwarf or whatever you wanna call them would go "I FEEL BIG! WOO!!"
So if you have time in your busy non-school schedule then type in your:
Steam ID:
XBL GT(That's "Gamertag" for the idiots):
Now I know that I dont' have a 360 right now, or will have one untill sometime later.. in like.. well a long time.
But some of you other people might have one, and if you need someone to play with you can type it in here and another fellow XboxTurnAround"Wait-this-is-the-same-spot"360 can then add you or whatever
Seriously, don't be shy. And I will get a 360 at somepoint, it just needs more games I would want. But when that happens i'm just gonna go down and buy one.. Maybe 3 to be one the safe side of things incase the first breaks down