Seriously. What the hell is wrong with you people?!
It's getting SO pathetic to see you all around crying and whining
(no I am nothing whining. I'm screaming at you guys)
So the FW update 2.40 for the PS3 is out. It has what everyone (I know you did) asked for. And yet when you get it, the first thing you all do. Is cry cry cry. "Sony didn't do this and that" and "Sony is better than me i'm a dumb loser"
JUST STOP! You guys are an embarrasment to the whole freaking community
Let's look at the features now shall we?! And don't worry I won't use any big words you people won't understand
In-game XMB acces: It's there. Now what CAN we do now?
1st: In game messages now using the XMB. Works without flaws
2nd: Trophies are there, "But not for old games!" THEY WILL! when the DEVELOPERS patch their games. NOT sony. GET IT RIGHT! Don't blame Sony for that, blame your precious little developers who made those perfect games. OH WAIT NO, not so perfect games. since they don't support trophies.. not that they KNEW there would be any 2 years ago. But still. Blame THEM.
3rd: The option to change stuff: You know those time where you had to quit a game because you found out you had to force it to do 1080p? yeah, DO THAT IN GAME NOW.
4th: Custom music, works PERFECTLY. Again, you dumb kids are blaming SONY. But again the hate should be directed at the developers. Who (again) didn't know that this feature would become avaiable at the time of release for their games. So they skipped that part. But it can be patched....
All those features. And you people cry and cry and lie about how it's "not working" when me and tons of other people have gotten everything we wanted, and on top of that, we got it to work? clearly we're smarter than you guys since you're obviously doing something wrong.. you know.. like living
I'm sorry, I just had to vent. I mean COME ON!.
You ask for stuff, you get it. Then decide to cry like a little... you know
Because the GAMES (not the PS3) doesn't allow those features (YET)... I'm embarrased.. I freaking hope I'll never see you guys online. Because I would be ashamed to be seen with a bunch of crying kids all around me.