So none of you know this but some days ago I decided to hop back in time(well, kinda) and play through The Witcher because I had The Witcher 2 all pre-ordered and all that money costing stuff. So I did and while playing I suddenly felt something I hadn't felt it many years, a feeling so great that you know it doesn't happen often when you're playing a game. The feeling I'm talking about is of course the feeling that you're playing some super amazing game. The last time I felt that I was playing The Witcher and then The Witcher decided to make me feel like that again.
The Witcher is by far my favorite game of all time since it's and RPG that actually plays like, you know, a freaking RPG.
Sure it might not be for everyone but that's what it's called an opinion, you know those things people forget that you can have on the internet and instead of just accepting it some people begin to whine and moan like they were little girls who's uncle stopped by to visit and he brought a present.
Except the visit was at night when you(the girl you're acting like) was sleeping and the uncle had a ton to drink and you woke up because you suddenly got the tiny hint of alcohol in the air because, oh no, uncle is on top of you breathing and the gift is rape. That's how you sound like when you whine and moan.
So I played through The Witcher and had one hell of a blast and then fired up The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings and started playing that instantly admitting that it's the best looking RPG out there so far (and for a while probably) and then the freaking feeling came back, the feeling I talked about before was back and in full force. Witcher 2 is as good if not better than the first one in every aspect of the word "good" or any other word that might mean the same thing. Of course, insane as I am I hop into the game on Insane difficulty and find out that it's amazingly hard but in a way that makes me feel good about the combat (Combat was better in the first game though) since you have to prepare for the bigger fights by really using your alchemy and drinking the right potions before the battle. Making the traps, setting traps is good too!
You had to do a lot of that in the first one too but the difficulty wasn't really anything worth breaking a sweat over in that game. So in less than two weeks I ploughed through The Witcher and The Witcher 2 and all that just to play them both again just to go through them both twice. So next weekend will be fun.
That's just me rambling.
Not really a review or anything, just me saying that, game's good