@Radnen @tomouse84 Besides the fact that becoming more powerful has very little to do with the nature of a coming-of-age story (almost everything becomes a coming-of-age story if you're just being vague enough), no-one in that movie came anywhere near close to a state you'd ever call empowered. Ellen Ripley was a tough character right from the get go anyway. If it wasn't for Ian Holm's character, the Alien wouldn't have made in on board of the Nostromo in the first place because no-nonsense security officer Ripley refused to let the infected human host through the quarantine. When shit actually started to hit the fan everyone basically just, well, died. Everyone except Ripley of course, but she didn't exactly fight either. First she ran and then she more or less caught a lucky break.
Besides, you can become as empowered as you want, you're still not gonna survive a one-on-one confrontation with an Alien unless you're properly armed.
My preferred solution to the problem of familiarity and repetition is a fairly simple one: just don't drag the game out for longer than it needs to be. 6-8 hours for that kind of game is perfectly adequate. In fact I'd prefer something even leaner than that..
Nope, it's indeed Iesabel. It's 0.89€ on the google play store right now. It's kinda fun actually, and as impenetrable as the plot might seem, it is at least somewhat interesting.
If anything it gained a lot of credibility. Disrupting this weird reviewer hive mind is a good thing, especially if it's accomplished by a piece as well argued as this. The industry could use more people like the two Toms (with Tom Chick being the other one). And just in case you were wondering, I actually like the game very much.
Maybe next time they could hire someone with the skills to write something worth creating such a ridiculously costly cinematic for. The narrative of Diablo III barely exceeded the stuff you'd find in your average He-Man episode.
@Dandyslayer13 @Trickymaster Seeing District 9 and seeing the trailers for Elysium are also proof enough that he should stick to his guns and direct original movies. I don't want a movie starring a dude with a helmet and zero personality who fights dopey aliens with squeaky voices. The guy's got smarts, so why waste 'em on franchises when he could be doing more original stuff instead. Most game franchises ripped off their stories from movies or books at some point anyway.
Great podcast. The free wheeling approach works a lot better in my opinion. Much more engaging that way.
On the topic of sexism. I fully agree on most points, but I don't think there's anything wrong with having a bit of sex appeal for sex appeal's sake. Doesn't matter whether it's men or women either. Why do you think guys like Mark Wahlberg, Jason Statham or Hugh Jackman lose their shirts in just about every single movie they're in? For story related-reason? No, they do it because they're handsome chaps and people like looking at them. Nothing wrong with that at all.
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