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My Top 5 of 2012 and worst game of 2012

Man I haven't posted anything in awhile, probably because I've had writers block I guess, but I return with my one-sided opinion based blog where I tell you what games I thought were the best this year, but before that some games that didn't quite make it that were still great.

Honorable Mentions:

Smite- A 3D MOBA that was my real entry into the MOBA genre and it was great. It didn't make it onto my top 5 because of it's lack of map variety (weird I know) but the game was great all in all but it got boring rather fast and never really grabbed me.

Faster than Light- Talk about different, I love this game to death, it just gets repeitive after awhile, especially since I'm not one of those gamers where I need to unlock every little thing before a game gets boring, it's great and I can play it from time to time but, there's not enough variety on one go.

Awesomenauts- A great little indie game that won my heart over in just how fun the game is, while it suffers from the boring repeitive aspect all MOBAs suffer from for me (Smite), the way they captured MOBAs is great, new, refreshing way that caught my attention the same way Smite did.

Number 5: Darksiders 2

Probably one of the only games where I thought that this game would make it in the history books, sadly I'm the only person who thinks that way about this game. The fighting is great, the story is great, everything about it just radiates this feeling of timelessness and you get this idea that you'll some day come back to this game in 20 years time and think, damn, this was a good game. Strong words, I know, but yes this game was not perfect, nor do I think it is perfect, it's actually not as good as I'm making it out to be but it's just the feel of the game that caught me.

Number 4: Far Cry 3

This would be higher on my last if Ubisoft didn't leave me wanting more in the game. The campaign is about as long as Freelancer (~10 hours), without exploring every single little detail. The first 3/4 of the game with Vaas is probably the best example of character development I have ever seen in a game, more so than the Witcher. The game is also beautiful, probably the best looking game of 2012, for me anyway. Sadly, the game didn't make it very far up the top 5 list because there wasen't enough and the endings were pretty bad, I have to say. There wasen't enough, nothing was done GREAT, everything was just average or good.

Number 3: Diablo 3

Yup, you read right, the infamous Diablo 3, why do you ask? Well, the game is not as bad as everyone says, and it's probably here because I haven't gotten around to playing Torchlight 2 yet because I was planning on playing co-op with that game, still am. Diablo 3 just expresses the same feeling a big budget movie does in the sense that, you can see there was a lot of money thrown at it in some areas, but not all. Graphics were bad, the cinematics were the best thing you've ever seen, and the story was good but the bad parts in the good story were really bad. I can see why people are mad at Diablo since it has quite the name it has to live up to but I thoroughly enjoy the game, even until today, although I did take a big break and replayed it after about 3 months worth of updating.

Number 2: Guild Wars 2

I thought long and hard (shut up) about my second and first decisions, and I reached this conclusion. Guild Wars 2 was my second this year, the best MMO I have played is second. The game I have the most reverance for is second, why? Guild Wars 2 is an MMO that's why. MMOs aren't generally fun, PVP in MMOs is fun but MMOs generally, overall aren't that fun. The leveling was refreshing and got me through it with much joys to be had, and the dungeons were cool but a bit unfair and the bosses weren't too exciting, but Guild Wars 2 is one of those games you can't get mad at no matter what it does wrong, mainly because it rarely does things wrong, and when it does it doesn't do too bad, and surely makes up for in how much love the developers had for the game and how good everything else in the game is, except the story, that I will always say is not good.

And the NUMBER 1 PICK FOR ME IN 2012 IS:

Tribes Ascend

The most fun I have ever had in a game ever. Bad Company 2, Blur, NFS: Hot Pursuit, Freelancer (and I rated that as a 10), Homeworld 2 (10 too), combined do not match the fun I have had in Tribes. Tribes looks good, feels good, and is just amazing. Skiing down slopes, shooting guys with exploding discs, flags, disco grenades, knifing, the whole lot just collects to one big fun house of adrenaline. I'm always sitting on the edge of my seat as I play Tribes, sweating sometimes, at just how fun the game is, it's hard to describe. Tribes is one of those games that will go down as one of those games I will never be able to let go of, much in the same way Freelancer and Homeworld 2 have never left my heart.

I'm not done, oh no, there's still the worst game of 2012 and IT IS...

Planetside 2

Yes, this game is terrible. Why? Because it advertises that it's the largest scale FPS on the market, which it is, but sometimes too much of something is a bad thing, and in this case it's TOO BIG, it takes TOO long to get somewhere, and when you get there you could die before you're any use to anyone, then you have to wait for the LONG respawn time, then find some way out of the spawn point, but wait, you're out of MONEY! So you might have to end up running to your destination, which was already TOO long of a ride in a vehicle. Planetside 2 was way over scored by reviewers and I firmly believe, no matter how many times he will say he wasen't: Totalbiscuit was paid by SOE to praise Planetside 2 out of proportion.