If you're going to give math lessons, at least know how to calculate simple percentages.
Xbone sold 3mil, PS4 sold 4.2mil; for a difference of 1.2mil. 1.2, divided by 3 is .4, or 40%. So yes, the PS4 has sold 40% more consoles than the Xbone....40% of 3 million is 1.2 million.
Go back to school, kid.
You don't use 3 million as the 100% dumbass, you use 4.2 million as 100%. You divide 1.2 by 4.2 stupid. 4.2 million is the 100%, not 3 million. You divide 1.2 million by 4.2 million and it's 29%. 1.2 million is 29% of 4.2 million. You cows are dumb as dirt. if you add 1.2 million to 3 million that would be 100%. Go back to school. I was mastery Trig before you were born kid.
4.2 million is 40% more than 3 million, no matter how many insults you put in your reply.
"I was mastery Trig" is also a pretty good indication you got the same grades in grammar as you did in mathematics.
No it isn't. Learn math dude, learn math. Trig is short for Trigonometry. You guys really can't be that stupid can you?
Start here: Xbox has sold 100% of the consoles that xbox has sold. That's 100% of 3 million. 4.2 million is 140% of 3 million. Sony has sold 140% (40% more) of the units MS has. No one who has been breathing long enough to make 17k posts on this forum should have a problem following that. If you can't, ask your parents for help... seriously. Comprehension is a life skill.
He made fun of your bad grammar... "I was mastery Trigonometry" doesn't make any sense grammatically or in context. Your inability to comprehend that from a one line sentence is astounding.
Furthermore, you're arguing about algebra. Trig, or being a 'mastery trig' has nothing to do with it. Based on all this, I'm going to say you're probably in remedial mathematics in junior high.
Protip: If you don't know what you're talking about, you're going to come off like a real big dumbass to everyone who does.
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