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In it for the money?

I posted this in System Wars as well.  After reading far too much biased fanboy crap, this desperately needed to be written

All right, here at Gamespot we see our fair share of console bashing.  Usually, I don't bother arguing with fanboys, because we all know that rampant fanboyism for or against game consoles isn't going to matter what argument is made.  However, once in a while I see a post that's so ignorant and unfair that I have to stop and have my say.  
     Lately, many a fanboy has made the statement that Sony is bad because they are "in it for the money".  Uh, hello people?  ALL of the companies are in it for the money.  Games make money.  That's why they're sold in the first place.  Of course the big corporate figures are going to care most about sales and making profit: that's the idea, it's a business.  But really, do you think Microsoft and Nintendo are pure-hearted corporations whose only wish is to bring you entertainment from the bottom of their hearts?  Of course not.  No one at Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo thinks "Well hey, it doesn't matter if our system sells badly, because we'll bring joy into the lives of the few people who buy it!"  Wake up, people.  Each company is trying their hardest to make sure their console will be the most enjoyable so that THEY WILL MAKE THE MOST MONEY.  Like I said, it's all business.
    Having said that, I don't believe that any of the major game companies are "evil", or that one side is bad and another is good.  They wouldn't be in the videogame industry if they didn't have at least some passion for  games.
    I'm probably wasting my energy typing this.  I don't expect many biased gamers out there to wisen up, but at least hear me out.  Instead of wasting your time and energy hating a console or game company (whether it's Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo) why not spend more time talking about the games that you enjoy?  I guarantee that no one purchased an Xbox360 last year while thinking "Yay!  I'm giving money to Microsoft so they can win the console war!"  Shouldn't our thoughts be more along the lines of "Yay!  I'm going to play fun games on my new console!"  Is that not what gaming is about?  If you're rooting for a certain console to fail, then all that will mean for you is less games to enjoy.

I don't see any reason to hate a specific console, but if you want to miss out on what an entire console has to offer because of an uneducated bias, be my guest.  It's your loss.