I purchased Prototype the on it's release date a few days ago, and I had no plan on doing so. I went into a Gamestop to pass time in between classes, and there was a crowd there. I asked them what for, and the answer was Prototype. I was nearly forced to pre-order it due to the large crowd of peer pressure, and the Gamestop guy ringing it up before I even confirmed, but overall, I'm glad I did. I haven't gotten a new game in a long time, so it's good to have a fresh feel, and the game itself is very fun. I love to use this analogy to describe it, Spider-man Web Of Shadows but you play as Altair in a symbiote, and instead of super-villains, you fight the military. Oh, and you can sky-jack a **** helicopter.
SpartanTnT Blog
What a great find . . .
by SpartanTnT on Comments
After having a long overdue Quiznos meal tonight, I stumbled upon something I havn't seen in ages, an arcade. At first I thought it was just the kind of arcade where little kids want to get tickets to get prizes that would be much cheaper to just buy, but as I traveled deaper intop the arcade, I found something I never expected to find, Steet Fighter IV. The shock soon turned into fun and I easily got into the game, and even beat the arcade mode using only 2 credits. I know what people are saying about this game, so let me thros in my experience based opinion. This game is just as fun or even more fun as Street Fighter 2 was, the controls are great and the combos / special moves feel smooth and easy to execute. I highly recommend this game to any fighter fan and esspecially Street Fighter fans, and I'll be glad to face off against anyone when this game gets realeased on Xbox 360.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed tomorrow!
by SpartanTnT on Comments
It's the first time I'm excited for a new game since GTA: IV. Aside from GTA: IV, this will be the only game I baught this year. The reviews say it's not too special, but it's the first real Star Wars game on the next-gen consoles. (I don't count the Lego Star Wars as real Star Wars games, and Soul Caliber IV just featured them.) Got my 360 back about a week ago, and perfect timing for this new game.
360 to repairs . . . again.
by SpartanTnT on Comments
I was playing some Madden 07 before, been playing that recently to feed my football cravings until I get Madden 09. I went back to the dashboard to switch to some Call of Duty 4, but the disc tray wouldn't open. After having to take the system apart to get the disc out, it has to be sent into repairs, 5 to 7 days for an empty box to be sent to me, 2-3 weeks after that to get the system back . . . **** This is the second time my 360 needs repairs in less than a year (got the ring of death last November). Sucks big dick that I can't have anymore of those late nights on Live for the last 2 weeks of summer vacation. At least the repairs are free, and now I can go back to some PS2 games, but still, this sucks.
Summer Time!
by SpartanTnT on Comments
I'm so glad that it's finally summer vacation. School ended for me last Thursday and I won't have to even think about school until September. It's all good. Gaming wise, I've been scattering across many different platforms lately. I havn't bought a game since GTA IV, and I've been saving my money, so I'll go back in my collection to replay or even beat games for the first time. So to all of my gamespot amigos, I hope you have a great summer, I know I will.
Kicking it Old School.
by SpartanTnT on Comments
I didn't update this blog in a while. I guess I've been busy, and game wise, I've been doing pretty good. I got a lot of great games for the holidays, and they are still holding me over. Call of Duty 4 is amazing, Bioshock was phenominal, Mass Effect was epic, and the list can go on. Now, the next biggest game coming out is GTA IV, and it will be realeased by the end of the month. that is **** awesome. It will be the first 360 game I bought this year, and it will be well worth the wait. Until then, I decided to go a little old school. I re-installed Warcraft III on my PC, and hooked up my N64 to my TV. I'll try to throw in a few reviews on my old N64 games, and a review of Warcraft III if I get the chance to as well. Until next time, peace out.
Week Off
by SpartanTnT on Comments
I'm off from school for the week, which means some game time. I try to update the blog here every once in a while, but since I don't get any responces or comments, I don't really put much effort into it. I got my Xbox 360 back a few weeks ago, and bought Assassin's Creed, it rocks. I should get Call of Duty 4, Mass Effect, and The Orange Box for xmas, and then I will be set. So I wish everyone a happy holiday, if you don't celebrate xmas, if you do, merry xmas!
Red Ring Of Death . . . Damn.
by SpartanTnT on Comments
About a week ago, my Xbox 360 got the red ring of death, and I am beyond dissapointed, because today Assassin's Creed came out, and now I can't play it. This is my blog on gamespot, so it's gonna be about my gaming life. Right now, I'm still waiting for the box to send out my 360 in, and then another 3-5 weeks once I ship it out, so I'm trying to resort back to my PS2. Started playing Killzone, online and off, GTA: Vice City, and my friend lent me Shadow of the Colossus, so I should be good for a little while. I'm just pissed I had to get the red ring of death now, at all times.
GTA IV delayed!?!?!?! . . . Ah, it's ok.
by SpartanTnT on Comments
I found out a few days ago that Grand Theft Auto IV is being delayed until April 2008. At first, I was very dissapointed since I have been looking foward to this game for a while. But then I realized, it's all ok, I still have Halo 3 (main game of this year), Guitar Hero 3, WWE 2008, Unreal Championship 3, and Devil May Cry 3 (so I've heard). So many great games coming out this year, so even a GTA delay can't ruin my excitement for the rest of the great realeases this year.
Nintendo Character Quiz
by SpartanTnT on Comments
You scored as Fox McCloud, Blowing stuff up is a favorite pastime of yours. You'll also do almost anything for money. You also find yoursel fighting Star Wolf at the most inopportune times. He always shows up just as you're about to score with Krystal...or slit Slippy's throat.
Fox McCloud
53%Pokemon Trainer
40%Donkey Kong
13%Which Nintendo Character Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com
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