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Hello Friends! Been a While

Hi guys. It's been a while since I posted here and commented on blogs and at forums. I plan to do more of that now. I've been giving more time at Raptr, Playfire and Giantbomb. I highly recommend Raptr and Playfire because you get to just have straight comments and not have to read a whole thread. Plus they track your game progress.

Anywho, what I've been up to...

Well lots of changes have been going on since the start of this year. I finally decided what I want to do with my life and how I want to help people especially in the gaming industry. So all you guys really need to know is that I'm offering services as a Marketing Consultant to indie game developers. I'll market their games.

This means that you guys and my other friends across my networks will be the first to get promotions, beta sign up information and release dates of these games. Maybe even participate in contests to get the game free.

I have also started the Gameavation company website. When the service launches I'll alert everyone through a blog and its social networks so follow Gameavation on Facebook, Twitter and Google+! All with the same name - GameAvation. Also join the Facebook group - GameAvation. The site is still under construction too.

To promote the future indie game marketplace service under gameavation, I will create a network for indie game developers, their fans and reviewers that will discuss indie game development and how the industry benefits from indie games. Also will discuss tips, advice and strategies to better market indie games, run the studio like a business and for writers to have insights on development and its progress.

To top all that off, I will create another service that will be part of my own brand - Vivacious Entrepreneur, which will be a freelancer marketplace just for video game writers/journalists. Outlets looking for writers will come to this site and see the latest and popular articles written by journalists that are also looking for a site to write for. The service will place a demand for paying jobs for journalists rather than free jobs.

Big things are happening as I create an empire. Let's just hope the industry doesn't tare itself apart before I can help everyone.

I'll continue to post updates about these projects here and my other blog:



My niche blog, Cutie the Triple D Gamer, has been updated. New content will start this weekend!

Thanks for reading!


And the Wickedness was not forgotten....:shock: