Hi this is my first blog, well it is not really a blog because I am only 14 and I haven't got a job or anything to talk about. So I will just put my favourite games, ok. :)
I like many games from GTA from Halo's from Football games.
Here I will list all my consoles that I have:
* PS2
* Xbox
*Xbox 360
* Gamecube
* Gameboy
* Atari
This is my fav game for all the consoles I have:
1. Grand Theft Auto San ANdreas
2. Halo 2
3. Halo 3
4. Super Mario Sunshine
5. Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
6. Tweety and the magic gems
7. Super MArio all stars, Super Mario World
8. I don't know the game names, so i like them all
Here I have all the GTA's on the PS2:
San ANdreas
Vice City Stories
Liberty City Stories
Vice City
I also have all the Halo's on both the 360 and original Xbox's
Halo 1 (Combat Evolved)
Halo 2
So my 2 main types of games is GTA's and Halo's.
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