SpecterX3 / Member

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Ya,I love this game. It burns away hours at a time so easily and has that "Just one more game" factor that I just couldn't find in Halo. I've always been a fan of team based/class based shooters and this game fits the bill perfectly. All of the classes are fun to play as, and always seem to have those weird aspects that some of the more creative players can take and use them in an entirely different purpose than the creators list them for. For instance, the Pyro is listed as a Offensive character. Set him up in 2Fort near your intelligence though and he suddenly becomes the ultimate Ant-Spy. Vice-versa, the Engineer listed under the Defensive group can also be the ultimate offense. Need proof? Try setting up a turret in front of the other teams spawn point. I myself usually play a Demoman and assault on the enemy base frequently even though it is listed under defense. Hook me up with a Medic, and we'll see how long those so called Heavys last against my sticky bombs. I really can't stress enough how fun this game is, especially when you have a good team on your side. I have never talked this much with random people through Xbox Live. All in all, it's a great game. and to think, this is only one of the five games in Orange Box. I highly recommend this game, even if you only buy it to play TF2, and Portal of course.

Also I'm trying to start up a union of TF2 players, so send a message my way if you want to be a part of it.

And I'm sure frequent TF2 players have already realized I really like 2Fort.

That is all.