- Speranza318’s Activity
@Barighm: FF15 had such potential, it's a shame the development team fell apart. I was actually looking forward to the planned (promised) DLC but unfortunately they ended up getting cancelled. I did...
excellent news and great game to remaster.
Unplayable mess that copied RE7 and added a dog. A 5 is generous, props to the reviewer for honesty...hopefully more of that in the future.
@izraal: I appreciate your well thought out reply, and I am sorry if there was confusion in my original post on the topic. PS: I remember exactly which encounter you're referring to in BG 2 ;)The Pat...
@izraal: This is an old thread, but your point is well taken. That wasn't the point I was going for though, it was the difficulty that was the root of my comment. I don't know one GM in all the year...
It's a great game, this is why people still love it despite its "glaring issues". The problem is that Gamespot had a SJW maniac review the game and completely embarrass herself in the process. Glad...
If this game deserves a 9, it's time for me to move on from video gaming. A 9 for unoptimized graphics/performance, huge grind for cosmetics, and always online requirement. Welcome to gaming in 20...
It's a game, who cares. Go SJW somewhere else
Few red flags is an understatement
"I know kung-fu""For the last time, no you don't" Another Epic fail.
*Fails at trying to write edgy review, then re-reviews and fails harder smh The clear polarity between the reviewer and the gamers says it all. This game wasn't for Kallie, and her review would have s...
@bppppp: Best comment on this thread. Literally laughed out loud at the brown Goombas. Watch out, you may give someone an idea to ban Mario in the future because it's about an Italian immigrant plumbe...
In the last 5 years, Sony barely doubled its value in the stock market. Not worth a penny to invest into as a stock. I'll stick to just buying games now and then =)
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