Welp, It came much later then in past years, but it is almost here. My annual super awesome gaming day. Basically every year I get busier and busier and have less and less times for games. This year I bought my first home and also have a new job with longer hours then I did in the past. I still can squeeze a few hours of gaming in from time to time, but it's few and far between. When I was around 27 (I'm 33 now) or so I decided to take 1 day off of work every year and pley games all day long. No girlfriend, no friends (except maybe online ones), no distractions. Just about 16+ hours of gaming goodness. It is my selfish day. I eat what I want, and play what I want. The phone is turned off. And it is awesome.
Every year I put together a time line and schedule of what I intend to play. It's more of something that gets my hyped up for the day then an real schedule. If I get into a game, sometimes I will just play it all day. Last year I posted it up here and people seemed to get a kick out of the idea. So with out further adieu, the 2012 game day...
9:30am - Wake up, Let the Dog out, Run him a bit, Eat something small.
10:00am - NBA 2k. Hey my Lakers are sucking in real life, but on NBA 2k they can play like they should!
11:00am - Skyrim. I did beat Skyrim when it came out, but then never got a chance to get back into it. I made a new guy (ranger/assassin type) and am looking forward to leveling him up a little.
1:00pm - Lunch. Taco Bell... what else could it be on a gaming binge? Play with the dog, etc.
2:00pm - Bayonetta. Still sealed in the plactic from when I picked it up for $10 over a year ago. Going to try it out.
3:00pm - Bully (just like last year lol) Love this game, want to get a little further in it or maybe ever beat it.
4:00pm - Gears of War 3 Campaign. Will probably be on this one for a while. Can't wait. Only made it through act 1 so far.
6:00pm - Forza 4 - Level up a bit.
7:00pm - Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning - Suprisingly fun game.
8:00pm - Another food break
9:00pm - A game I bought and never played. I have a bunch of sealed games.
10:00pm - 2:00am - Some online gaming. Possibly Gears 3, Maybe MW3, Forza 4, Spades, Uno who knows.
And thats it!
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