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SpiderLuke Blog

Sony Firmware 3.01 killed my Playstation 3

I am seriously peeved right now. It's been several weeks, since "the incident." My Playstation 3 stopped reading discs after Firmware update 3.01. That's right. Just before the update I was playing a game in it, granted that it was a PS2 game, yet it was working perfectly fine.

I updated to 3.01, inserted a disc, then couldn't find the disc icon anywhere. It was very puzzling indeed. I tried another PS2 game, a PS3 game, a PS1 game, a DVD and a Blu-ray disc. Nothing happened. To my surprise, though, audio CDs worked perfectly. This was not a hardware issue.

I find it ironic that something like this would happen right around the time of the release of the PS3 Slim. Sony is in third place and hurting for money, so it makes me wonder if this was planned.

Whether it was or not, no one will probably ever know. This incident of mine isn't the only case, however. There are close to 500 people who are experiencing the same problem as me on an official Playstation forum in addition to several other forums I've perused on the internet as well.

Check this link to the official Sony forum I speak of:

Everyone is getting the same response from Sony. Basically what they are saying is, "Oh well, your system is over warranty. Give us 150 bucks and we'll give you a refurbished system that quite possibly won't have the backwards compatibility of your old system.

You know what? Screw you Sony. At least Microsoft and Nintendo will admit when their system hardware fails or if their firmware will cause an error. They fix it free of charge because they care about their customers.

I guarantee that Sony will lose more customers if they don't resolve this soon. All it would take is to send out a Firmware up grade to fix the problem or to allow PS3 users to downgrade to a previous update. (Sony currently doesn't allow users to downgrade, though.)

A man in Florida is currently suing Sony for this very issue. I don't know how well he will fare because of Sony being the powerhouse that it is, but he really deserves to win it for the sake of all the PS3 users being affected by this very problem.

Check this link for details:

Yes, I am mad. I am mad because this isn't ethical, and something right isn't going on here.

If Sony doesn't take care of their customers and fix this soon the right way, then they will never get my business again in the future. And I'm sure the same can be said about the 500+ users who were affected the same way I was.

Jeff Gerstmann: Whatever happened to Journalistic integrity?

"Apparently money talks..."

I have never written a blog for Gamespot before, but I figure now is the right time. Something has recently happened in the world of Journalism; something bad. I am referring to the firing of Jeff Gerstmann from

For those of you that don't know, Jeff Gerstmann has been a long time editor for Gamespot and had, for the most part, seemingly unbiased reviews.

Speculation has recently been circulating around the internet that he was given the pink slip after giving Eidos' Kane and Lynch a poor score of 6.0. Eidos had invested a lot of advertising dollars into promoting their flagship title for the Christmas season, however, upon hearing about the mediocre review, sources have said that Eidos wanted to pull the plug on the whole ad deal.

Second-hand sources report that Gerstmann would not change his score. Shortly after this, Gerstmann was fired, his written review was altered and his video review was removed from altogether.

This sickens me. I plan to one day become an aspiring Journalist and always thought it would be perfect if I could write for some sort of video game publication. What now though? What ever happened to Journalistic integrity? What happened to the freedom of speech? Apparently, money talks. In the long run, I hope the truth will spread throughout the entire gamer community on this whole situation.

I'm a great believer of karma and I think its wheels have already set into motion.

(P.S. I can definitely say I am a much bigger fan of IGN.COM now. LoL)