I just beat Persona 4. After the credits, I just sort of stood there for a moment, unsure what to do with myself. I decided to get back into Disgaea, if that doesn't work out, I'll replay MGS2 or We Love Katamari or something. I've been playing a lot of Japanese games lately.
Anyway, Persona 4's ending was alright.
Now, before I start saying things you won't understand, let me explain something. Persona 3 recieved an expansion after release. It was called Persona 3: FES. I do not know what "FES" means. It added some stuff to the main game and included an extra campaign, called The Answer. The main campaign is The Journey. The Answer was a lot shorter, focused on combat, and was frustrating and kinda bad.
Back to Persona 4- I'd say it pulled off the happy ending better than The Answer. The Answer's ending was kind of stupid, while 4's is just sort of uninspiring. I preferred 3's story and ending.
3 is pretty much a tragedy. Bad things happen and the heroes carry on. 4 is much less tragic. There is a bit of loss, a bit of dread, but no one gets shot and dies in front of all their friends.
I'm not sure which endboss I prefer. 3 has an angel, and 4 has a giant bloody skeleton thing with ten arms. I know that might sound odd after I said 4 is a lot sunnier, but that's how it went.
I think 3 had better characters. No side characters from 4 stand out at the moment, but 3 had one that was memorable to me. I actually liked 3's characters and felt emotion for them at the end of the story, while I don't really care that I won't see 4's characters again. 4 also contains some of the most awful crying I've ever heard. 4's cast had nice, clean speakin' voices, but those automotons are incapable of expressing emotion. One character, Kanji, sounds like he's trying to do a voice. I don't know where I'm going with this. Anyway, 3 had Fuuka Yamagishi, and her voice and hair are turrible.
3 is also longer. 4 took about 70 hours, 3 took 90. 4 improved the combat mechanics, but 3's dungeon crawling felt better to me.
I dunno, I guess that's it. As far as I know, the 5 people who may potentially read this havn't played Persona, so I might be talking to shadows, but whatever. It's my blog, I'll do as I please.
I also beat Professor Layton and The Curious Village. It took 6 hours, but this is a puzzle game, so it's only as long as it takes you to input the answers. You also can't really stretch a puzzle game out for length. It's not like you just add another building full of enemies, you have to make puzzles. Or take age-old ones and hope your audience is unfamiliar with them.
There are 120 puzzles, I've done about 100. I only cheated on, like, 6.
I was also a bit surprised when I found that it was Japanese. It doesn't look Japanese.
I also found that the fourth game is in development and the second just recently came out in English. I'm guessing that's because not all puzzles translate perfectly.
I guess that's it. The title is the name of a spell from Persona. Megidolaon is the third-level Almighty spell. The first level is Megido. Megiddo is a mountain in Isreal, and where the word "Armageddon" originates from. I saw this on some special about Nostradamus. I've also seen a special on Revalations. I think this 9/9/9 stuff is causing a stir.
Oh, and Persona 3 had better music. There's 11 songs from 3 that I downloaded and only 3 songs from 4's soundtrack that I actually listen to.